Chlamydophorella multifibrata

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Chlamydophorella ?multifibrata Schiøler, 1993, p.104,106, pl.5, figs.7–12. Holotype: Schiøler, 1993, pl.5, fig.9. Questionable assignment: Schiøler (1993, p.104). Age: Maastrichtian.


Original description: [Schiøler, 1993]:

A subspherical differentiated autocyst with apical archeopyle. The ectophragm is connected to the autocyst by a densely fibrous mat, formed by numerous hair-like strands.

A differentiated autocyst with a subcircular outline.
The wall of the autophragm is thick, the ectophragm is very thin. The autophragm and the ectophragm are connected by a densely fibrous mat of very thin strands (<0.25 µm in thickness). Length of strands 4-11 µm.
The archeopyle is apical (tA), the ioeprculum is free.
The precingular plate series consist of six plates, and is expressed by accessory archeopyle sutures.
No other indications of paratabulation are present on the cysts.

Dimensions (12 specimens measured): Holotype - Range:
Overall diameter: 61 µm - 60 (63) 70 µm
Length if fibrous strands: 6-8 µm - 4 (7) 11 µm

the new species superficially resembles species of Cometodinium Deflandre and Courtville, 1939 in having numerous closely spaced processes, but differs in the development of an ectophragm enclosing the processes and in the presence of a conspicuous archeopyle. It is with some hesitation that the new species is placed in Chlamydophorella as it lacks the bifid or expanded process terminations typical for that genus. The new species may belong to a new genus. The development of a densely fibrous mat between autocyst and ectophragm separates Chlamydophorella multifibrata sp. nov. from all other species in the genus.
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