Diphyes brevispinum
{\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\froman\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss MS Sans Serif;}{\f3\froman\fprq2 Times New Roman;}}
\deflang1033\pard\plain\f2\fs17 Diphyes brevispinum Bujak, 1994
\par Holotype: Bujak, 1994, pl.2, fig.7
\par Paratypes: Bujak, 1994
\par Locus typicus: North Sea, UK21 /28a-4 well
\par Stratum typicum: section at 4580ft, Ypresian
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\par G.L. Williams short notes on species, Mesozoic-Cenozoic dinocyst course, Urbino, Italy, May 17-22, 1999 - LPP VIEWER CD-ROM 99.5.
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\par Diphyes brevispinosum\plain\f3\fs20 Bujak, 1994. According to Bujak (1994), Cyst subspherical, skolochorate and biphragmal. Periphragm smooth to chagrinate, with numerous processes less than 5 \"b5m long, tubular, tapering from broader circular bases to narrow, open or closed terminations. Antapical process large, inflated, ovoidal to subspherical with a closed circular base, and a constricted distal opening. Size: central body length without operculum 22-28 \"b5m, width 27-31 \"b5m. Antapical process length 17-20 \"b5m, width 15-25 \"b5m, maximum process length, excluding antapical 2.5-4 \"b5m.
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\par Original diagnosis: Bujak, 1994, p.???
\par Cyst subspherical, skolochorate and biphragmal, endophragm and periphragm adpressed except beneath the processes. Periphragm chagrinate to reticulate, forming numerous nontabular processes. Processes other than the antapical process less than 5 \"c1m in length, tubular, tapering from broader circular bases to narrow, open or closed terminations. Antapical process large, inflated, ovoidal to subspherical, with a closed circular base, and a constricted distal opening. Archeopyle apical; operculum tetraplacoid, contiguous.
\par Dimensions. Central body length (without operculum) 22-28 \"c1m, breadth 27-31 \"c1m, antapical process length 17-20 \"c1m, breadth 15-25 \"c1m, maximum process length (excluding the antapical process) 2.5-4 \"c1m.
\par Affinities:
\par Bujak, 1994, p.???: D. brevispinum is intermediate in morphology between D. ficusoides Islam and Duosphaeridium nudum (Cookson) Loeblich and Loeblich. D. nudum does not possess processes except for the large antapical process, whereas D. ficusoides has processes that typically vary in length between 11-15 \"c1m. D. brevispinum has a more restricted North Sea stratigraphic range than D. ficusoides which ranges up into Lutetian Subzone E4d of Bujak and Mudge. D. nudum is rare in North Sea wells (Bujak, pers. obs.), and has approximately the same stratigraphic range as D. brevispinum.
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\deflang1033\pard\plain\f2\fs17 Diphyes brevispinum Bujak, 1994
\par Holotype: Bujak, 1994, pl.2, fig.7
\par Paratypes: Bujak, 1994
\par Locus typicus: North Sea, UK21 /28a-4 well
\par Stratum typicum: section at 4580ft, Ypresian
\par \plain\f3\fs20 --------------------------------------------------
\par G.L. Williams short notes on species, Mesozoic-Cenozoic dinocyst course, Urbino, Italy, May 17-22, 1999 - LPP VIEWER CD-ROM 99.5.
\par \plain\f3\fs20\i
\par Diphyes brevispinosum\plain\f3\fs20 Bujak, 1994. According to Bujak (1994), Cyst subspherical, skolochorate and biphragmal. Periphragm smooth to chagrinate, with numerous processes less than 5 \"b5m long, tubular, tapering from broader circular bases to narrow, open or closed terminations. Antapical process large, inflated, ovoidal to subspherical with a closed circular base, and a constricted distal opening. Size: central body length without operculum 22-28 \"b5m, width 27-31 \"b5m. Antapical process length 17-20 \"b5m, width 15-25 \"b5m, maximum process length, excluding antapical 2.5-4 \"b5m.
\par --------------------------------------------------\plain\f2\fs17
\par Original diagnosis: Bujak, 1994, p.???
\par Cyst subspherical, skolochorate and biphragmal, endophragm and periphragm adpressed except beneath the processes. Periphragm chagrinate to reticulate, forming numerous nontabular processes. Processes other than the antapical process less than 5 \"c1m in length, tubular, tapering from broader circular bases to narrow, open or closed terminations. Antapical process large, inflated, ovoidal to subspherical, with a closed circular base, and a constricted distal opening. Archeopyle apical; operculum tetraplacoid, contiguous.
\par Dimensions. Central body length (without operculum) 22-28 \"c1m, breadth 27-31 \"c1m, antapical process length 17-20 \"c1m, breadth 15-25 \"c1m, maximum process length (excluding the antapical process) 2.5-4 \"c1m.
\par Affinities:
\par Bujak, 1994, p.???: D. brevispinum is intermediate in morphology between D. ficusoides Islam and Duosphaeridium nudum (Cookson) Loeblich and Loeblich. D. nudum does not possess processes except for the large antapical process, whereas D. ficusoides has processes that typically vary in length between 11-15 \"c1m. D. brevispinum has a more restricted North Sea stratigraphic range than D. ficusoides which ranges up into Lutetian Subzone E4d of Bujak and Mudge. D. nudum is rare in North Sea wells (Bujak, pers. obs.), and has approximately the same stratigraphic range as D. brevispinum.
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