Palaeocystodinium golzowense

Palaeocystodinium golzowense Alberti, 1961

Holotype: Alberti, 1961, pl.7, fig.12
Locus typicus: Golzow, SW of Potsdam, Germany
Stratum typicum: Late Eocene-Late Oligocene
Translation Alberti, 1961: LPP

G.L. Williams short notes on species, Mesozoic-Cenozoic dinocyst course, Urbino, Italy, May 17-22, 1999 - LPP VIEWER CD-ROM 99.5.

Palaeocystodinium golzowense Alberti, 1961. Modified diagnosis from Alberti (1961, p.20). Pericyst spindle-shaped, dorsoventrally flattened. The two long horns are distally acuminate. With a trapezoidal, somewhat rounded archeopyle beneath the apex. An endocyst is always present and laterally fills the pericyst. Membrane thin and transparent.
Size: pericyst length 125-180 µm, width 25-34 µm, endocyst length 69 µm in the holotype.

Original description: Alberti, 1961, p. 20
Diagnosis: Body fusiform, dorsoventrally flattened. Both hornlike processes more or less long, tapering distally. With a trapezoid, slightly rounded pylome below the apex. Always with an ellipsoidal inner body closely appressed against the outer shell. Membrane delicate and transparent.

Dimensions: Holotype: Length 130 µm, width 38 µm, length inner body 69.
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