Parvulodinium penitabulatum

Parvulodinium penitabulatum Davies, 1983

Tax. jr. synonym of Mancodinium semitabulatum Morgenroth, 1970, according to Prauss, 1989.

Holotype: Davies, 1983, pl.9, figs.9-11,13-15
Locus typicus: Ellef Ringnes Island, District of Franklin, Northwest Territories, Canada
Stratum typicum: Toarcian-Early Bajocian

Original diagnosis: Davies, 1983, p. 27-28
Elongate ellipsoidal dinoflagellate cyst with reticulate autophragm and penitabular verrucae. Sulcus indented. Cingulum wide. Tabulation formula: 4", 1a, 6", 6c, 6""", 1p, 1"""", ?s. Archeopyle: (4A) + 1I + 6P?a. Size: length - 27(33)41 µm; breadth - 27(28)30 µm.

Original description: Davies, 1983, p. 28
The reticulum has irregular sized circular to subcircular lumina. The penitabular verrucae (2 µm wide) are more elevated in the antapical region to form baculae (3 µm high). There are never more than three or four per plate boundary. The epitractal sutures are simple splits with one or two intratabular verrucae. The sulcus divides the hypotract into two lateral bulges. The apex is blunt, with a short pointed horn (5 µm long). The operculum consists of four apical plates as one piece, one intercalary plate where archeopyle development is initiated, and six precingular plates occasionally attached adcingularly.

Davies, 1983, p. 28: Parvulodinium clavatum differs from P. penitabulatum by its irregular and variable ornament and the lack of alignment along penitabular septa.
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