Batioladinium shaftesburiense

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Batioladinium shaftesburiense Nøhr-Hansen, 1993, p.46–47, pl.2, figs.5,12–13. Holotype: Nøhr-Hansen, 1993, pl.2, fig.5. Age:
middle Albian.


Original description: [Nohr-Hansen, 1993, p. 46-47]:

The cysts are proximate, elongate with slightly convex sides, a long (approximately 1/2 the overall length), slender apical horn and two medium-sized (approximately 1/2 the length of the main body), widebased, gradually tapering antapical horns. The cyst- are - frequently dorso-ventrally flattened with slightly convex margin.
The wall is thin and hyaline with a psilate surface.
The archeopyle is apical (type tA) with a distinct ventral sulcal notch. The operculum is simple and usually free.

Cyst type: The cyst is proximate.
Shape: The cyst is elongate with slightly convex sides and one long slender apical horn and two medium-sized antapically horns, of which the right is slightly longer than the left. These horns have wide bases, taper gently and are almost parallel. The cyst is often dorso-ventrally compressed.
Wall relationships: The wall is apparently composed of one layer, the autophragm. The wall is thin, less than 1 µm and hyaline with a psilate surface.
Paratabulation: This is only indicated by the archeopyle sutures and the presence of a sulcal notch. Two weak sutures are recognised on the holotype below the sulcal notch (Plate 2, Fig. 5) indicating a sulcal plate. The archeopyle suture is located near the apex on the dorsal side.
Archeopyle: The archeopyle is apical (type tA), with a distinct sulcal notch. The operculum is simple and lost on all examined specimens except the holotype.

The total length of the holotype is 247 µm, the maximum width is 39 µm. The length of the apical horn is 119 µm, and the length of the antapical horns are 43 µm and 16 µm.
Size range: Total length of the cyst, 247 µm (1 specimen). Length of the apical horn, 119 µm (1 specimen). Length of cyst, excluding the operculum, 102(113)128 µm (5 specimens). Width of cyst, 34 (37)39 µm (5 specimens). Length of the left antapical horn, 25(33)43 µm (7 specimens). Length of the right antapical horn, 29(39)47 µm (7 specimens).

Species of Batioladinium with a psilate surface like B. jaegeri, B.? Iongicornutum, B. radiculatum (Davey, 1982) and Batioladinium? exiguum are distinguished by the length and form of their apical and antapical horns. The same criterion is used in defining the new species B. shaftesburiense. Batioladinium shaftesburiense is distinguished from B. Iongicornutum by the antapical horns being only half as long as in B. Iongicornutum. Additionally the antapical horns of B. Iongicornutum are slender, seldom parallel to one another and characterized by their perforations. The wall of B. shaftesburiense differs by its thin and hyaline appearance from the often brownish and thicker cyst wall on B. longicornutum. Batioladinium shaftesburiense is distinguished from B. jaegeri by the length of the antapical horns which are approximately twice the length of the horns of B. jaegeri. The antapical horns of B. radiculatum (Davey, 1982) are approximately of the same length as on B. shaf tesburiense but B. radiculatum is distinguished from the new species in having internal vacuoles in the distal part of the cyst and on the antapical horns.
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