Apteodinium delicatum

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Apteodinium delicatum (Davey, 1975, p.156–157, pl.2, figs.8–9,11–12) Schrank, 1987, p.262. Holotype: Davey, 1975, pl.2, fig.8. Originally Trichodinium, subsequently (and now) Apteodinium. Age: Senonian (?Campanian).


Original description as Trichodinium delicatum: [Davey, 1975, p. 156-157]:

The cyst body is subcircular in outline and may possesses a weak apical prominence. The cyst wall is of moderate thickness and bears more or less numerous, short, thick hairs; adjacent ones anastomose distally or may be joined distally to one another by trabeculae. A conical apical horn (is present and is formed by the fusion of relatively long hairs. The cingulum is weakly defined by its relative paucity of ornamentation. A large precingular archaeopyle is usually present) formed by the loss of a single plate (3").

All the specimens of this species so far observed have been folded to some extent. The dense covering of hairs (approximately 1 µm in height), gives the cyst a somewhat fibrous appearance at low magnifications. Only at high magnification can their exact form be seen and it is immediately apparent that the hairs are not free but are linked distally (pl. 2, fig. 11).

Holotype Range
Length of central body 46µm 46(55)65 µm
Width of central body 44 µm 42(49)54 µm
Height of apical horn 5 µm 3(7)10 µm

T. delicatum is characterized by the dense covering of distally linked hairs and by the possession of a fibrous, conical apical horn. The surface ornamentation differentiates this species from all previously described ones.
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