Nematosphaeropsis labyrinthus

Data plotted here is from DINOSTRAT, available via Zenodo: DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7791273. Please cite Bijl, 2022 when using this data.

Plots are based on the following information

Location Taxon Source Calibration Age (Ma) Paleolatitude
1172 Nematosphaeropsis labyrinthus Bijl et al., 2013 0.25 in mag_C23n 51.48475 -59.41928011210526
1168 Nematosphaeropsis labyrinthus Brinkhuis et al., 2003a 0.22 in mag_C16r 36.52416 -57.00455589831111
548 Nematosphaeropsis labyrinthus Brown and Downie, 1985 0.8 in nan_n_NN11 6.082 46.458236915294115
nw Pacific Nematosphaeropsis labyrinthus Bujak and Matsuoka, 1986 0 in stage_Zanclean 5.333 48.40656
403-406 Nematosphaeropsis labyrinthus Costa and Downie, 1979 0 in nan_n_NP18 36.9384 48.620167622222226
646 Nematosphaeropsis labyrinthus Head et al., 1989 0.45 in nan_c_CN9a 7.912 55.462755032
E67-135 Nematosphaeropsis labyrinthus De Vernal et al., 1992 0.35 in mag_Bruhnes 0.5024500000000001 19.8159173935
Gulf Coast2 Nematosphaeropsis labyrinthus Duffield and Stein, 1986 0 in plfor_A_N12 13.4 28.72050875
Oga Nematosphaeropsis labyrinthus Matsuoka et al., 1987 0.75 in plfor_A_N18/N19 4.7075 31.830271164062502
911 Nematosphaeropsis labyrinthus Matthiessen and Brenner, 1996 0.4 in mag_C2r 2.327 79.66413124500001
Shukheir-1 Nematosphaeropsis labyrinthus Soliman et al., 2012 0 in nan_n_NN3 19.18 22.0851748
1039 Nematosphaeropsis labyrinthus Zegarra and Helenes, 2011 0.5 in stage_Langhian 14.905000000000001 -1.8120147428571443



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