Noricysta fimbriata

Noricysta fimbriata Bujak and Fisher, 1976; emend. Dörhöfer and Davies, 1980

Holotypus: Bujak and Fisher, 1976, pl.9, figs.2-4
Locus typicus: Queen Elizabeth Islands, arctic Canada
Stratum typicum: Norian

Original diagnosis: Bujak and Fisher, 1976, p.60
Double-walled cysts, endophragm typically compressed dorsoventrally and oval to subrhomboldal in outline. Periphragm granular or sometimes sparsely spinose, in contact with endophragm, except where crests are formed. Crests, which are mainly developed around periphery of epitract and at antapex, are distally indented and form ribs perpendicular to endophragm. Cingulum circular or laevorotary, delimited by two low, thin crests. Sulcus poorly defined if at all. Archeopyle formed by removal of all of epitract except for precingular zone.Dimensions: Holotype, length 45 µm, breadth 40 µm, maximum height of crests 5 µm. Observed range, length with operculum 43-54 µm, length without operculum 40-52 µm, breadth 37-45 µm, maximum height of crests 3-6 µm.

Emended description: D÷rh÷fer and Davies, 1980, p.24
The species is here emended to agree with the tabulation stated in the revised generic diagnosis. The sutural crests are distally serrated. The antapical pericoel is generally more strongly developed. The antapex is often pointed. The emendation is based in investigation of topotype material.
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