Adnatosphaeridium multispinosum

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Adnatosphaeridium multispinosum, Williams and Downie, 1966c, p.216–217, pl.24, fig.5; text-fig.57.
Holotype: Williams and Downie, 1966c, text-fig.57.
Taxonomic senior synonym: Adnatosphaeridium vittatum, according to Fensome et al. (2009, p.13).
Age: Early Eocene.

Locus typicus: London Clay, Whitecliff, England


Original description: [Williams and Downie, 1966, p. 216-217]:

Ellipsoidal central body with thin granular endophragm. Archaeopyle apical, with zigzag margin. Periphragm forming numerous processes, slender, branched distally. Traberculae possessing single unconnected acuminate spines.

The processes of A. multispinosum are of approximately equal length in an individual and rarely exceed half the smaller diameter of the central body. They are erect or slightly curved, taeniate, branching from two thirds along their length to the distal extremity. The trabeculae often have short unconnected spines, sometimes arising from bulbous swellings; the spines can be slender, up to 6 µm in length or short and conical. Occasional wider processes occur. The arrangement of the processes on the central body is variable; they can lack any regularity or be in soleate or annular complexes.

Holotype: diameter of central body 44x59 µm. Length of processes up to 23 µm.
Observed range: diameter of central body 44-71 µm. Length of processes up to 23 µm.

A. multispinosum differs from A. filiferum (= Cannosphaeropsis filifera Cookson & Eisenack) in possessing more numerous, generally very slender processes which can branch from two thirds along their length. Cannosphaeropsis tutulosa Cookson & Eisenack), from the Upper Cretaceous of Australia, has fewer processes which divide distally and join with neighbouring branches to form a series of relatively wide deep loops apparently lacking spines.

G.L. Williams short notes on species, Mesozoic-Cenozoic dinocyst course, Urbino, Italy, May 17-22, 1999 - LPP VIEWER CD-ROM 99.5.

Adnatosphaeridium multispinosum Williams and Downie, 1966c. This species has slender, numerous processes, which can branch from about two thirds along their length. Sometimes short, free spines arise from the trabeculae.
Size: Central body 44-71 µm, processes up to 23 µm.
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