Turbiosphaera magnifica

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Turbiosphaera magnifica Eaton, 1976, p.290, pl.15, figs.7–9.
Holotype: Eaton, 1976, pl.15, fig.8; Bujak et al., 1980, pl.6, fig.3.

Locus typicus: Bracklesham Beds, Whitecliff Bay, Isle of Wight, England
Stratum typicum: Middle Eocene

Original diagnosis: Eaton, 1976, p. 290
Cyst body subcircular or oval in outline. Apical horn and intratabular processes formed by the fibrous periphragm. Processes variable in breadth with an undulating distal margin. There is one process per reflected plate area. Apical horn long, broad-based, triangular in form and showing considerable proximal expansion. Pre- and postcingular processes typically flattened parallel to the long axis of the cyst body. Cingular processes flattened parallel to the short axis of the cyst body. Cingular zone slightly helicoid. Antapical process longer than the other processes, distally expanded, and frequently showing a short distal projection. Very slender processes may be present between the primary precingular and cingular processes. Precingular processes situated close to, and sometimes united with, the proximal expansions of the apical horn. Postcingular processes situated close to, and proximally united with, the antapical process. Reflected tabulation 1', 6", 6c, 5''', 1''''; archaeopyle precingular, formed by displacement of plate 3".
Dimensions: Holotype: overall 144 x 62 µm; cyst body 74 x 46 µm; length of processes up to 26 µm; length of apical horn 38 µm; length of antapical process 36 µm. Observed range: overall 110 X 62 µm to 148 x 80 µm; cyst body 56 x 46 µm to 80 x 62 µm; length of processes up to 34 µm; length of apical horn up to 48 µm; length of antapical process up to 38 µm. (n = 10).

Eaton, 1976, p. 290: The considerable proximal expansion of the apical horn may include apical processes. The development of very slender processes between the primary precingular and cingular processes is also a feature of Forma F of Evitt (1961: 392; pl.6, figs.1-5; pl.7, figs.I-Z). The close affinity between the latter form and Turbiosphaera filosa has been noted by Wilson (1967: 66) and Archangelsky (1968: 410). The processes are arranged in three discrete groups: apical horn and precingular processes, cingular processes, antapical and postcingular processes. This feature and the form of its apical horn distinguishes T. magnifica from T. filosa (Wilson) Archangelsky 1968 and T. galatea. It is further distinguished from T. galatea by having a longer apical horn and more clearly defined processes.

G.L. Williams short notes on species, Mesozoic-Cenozoic dinocyst course, Urbino, Italy, May 17-22, 1999 - LPP VIEWER CD-ROM 99.5.

Turbiosphaera magnifica Eaton, 1976. Partial diagnosis from Eaton (1976, p.290), processes variable width, with an undulating distal margin. Apical horn long, broad-based, triangular in form and showing considerable proximal expansion. Pre- and postcingular processes typically flattened parallet to the long axis of the cyst body. Antapical process longer than the other processes, distally expanded and frequently showing a short distal projection. Very slender processes may be present between the primary precingular and cingular processes. Precingular processes situated close to, and sometimes united with, the proximal expansions of the apical horn. Postcingular processes situated close to and proximally united with the antapical process. Reflected tabulation 1', 6", 6c, 5"’, 1"”. The arrangement of the processes in three discrete groups, apical horn and precingular processes, cingular processes, antapical horn and postcingular processes, and the form of the apical horn distinguish this species from T.filosa and T.galeata. Size: overall 110 x 62 to 148 x 80 µm, cyst body 56 x 46 to 80 x 62 µm, length of processes up to 34 µm, length of apical horn up to 48 µm, length of antapical horn up to 38 µm.
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