Toenisbergia imaginata
From Fensome et al., 2019:
Toenisbergia imaginata (Benedek, 1972, p.45–46, pl.6, figs.12a–b; pl.6, fig.9) Benedek et al., 1982, p.279,281–283.
Emendation: Benedek et al., 1982, p.279,281, as Toenisbergia imaginata.
Holotype: Benedek, 1972, pl.6, figs.12a–b; Eisenack and Kjellström, 1975a, page labelled "nach S.646"; Benedek et al., 1982, figs.7A,C,E,8C–D (not 8A–B); Fensome et al., 1995, figs.1–4 — p.1557.
NOW Pentadinium taeniagerum subsp. imaginatum. Originally (and now) Pentadinium taeniagerum subsp. imaginatum, subsequently Toenisbergia imaginata.
Taxonomic junior synonym (at specific rank): Pentadinium laticinctum subsp. imaginatum, according to Benedek et al. (1982, p.279–283) — however, Lentin and Williams (1985, p.279) retained Pentadinium laticinctum subsp. imaginatum.
Paratype: Benedek et al., 1982, figs.6A,C,E,8A-B (holotype of Pentadinium laticinctum ssp. imaginatum Benedek, 1972)
Age: Late Oligocene
Emended diagnosis: Benedek et al., 1982, p. 21-22
Cyst circumcavate. Periblast rounded-hexagonal in polar view (with a marked sulcal indentation), irregularly subpolygonal in ambitus, with outbulges at the apex and equator and with antapex rather flat. Endoblast ovoidal to rounded-subpolygonal, thick and two-layered (mesophragm + endophragm). Horns absent; crests and processes lacking. Cingulum not clearly defined, but faintly suggested by equatorial folding: sulcus not readily visible in lateral vice, but clearly indicated in polar view by the ventral inbulge of the periblast. Archacopyle intercalary (type I/I); very large in the periblast, with archaeopyle index greater than 0.5, somewhat smaller proportionately in the endoblast. Surface of periphragm lightly granular; endoblast apparently punctate, surface of mesophragm granular.
Toenisbergia imaginata (Benedek, 1972, p.45–46, pl.6, figs.12a–b; pl.6, fig.9) Benedek et al., 1982, p.279,281–283.
Emendation: Benedek et al., 1982, p.279,281, as Toenisbergia imaginata.
Holotype: Benedek, 1972, pl.6, figs.12a–b; Eisenack and Kjellström, 1975a, page labelled "nach S.646"; Benedek et al., 1982, figs.7A,C,E,8C–D (not 8A–B); Fensome et al., 1995, figs.1–4 — p.1557.
NOW Pentadinium taeniagerum subsp. imaginatum. Originally (and now) Pentadinium taeniagerum subsp. imaginatum, subsequently Toenisbergia imaginata.
Taxonomic junior synonym (at specific rank): Pentadinium laticinctum subsp. imaginatum, according to Benedek et al. (1982, p.279–283) — however, Lentin and Williams (1985, p.279) retained Pentadinium laticinctum subsp. imaginatum.
Paratype: Benedek et al., 1982, figs.6A,C,E,8A-B (holotype of Pentadinium laticinctum ssp. imaginatum Benedek, 1972)
Age: Late Oligocene
Emended diagnosis: Benedek et al., 1982, p. 21-22
Cyst circumcavate. Periblast rounded-hexagonal in polar view (with a marked sulcal indentation), irregularly subpolygonal in ambitus, with outbulges at the apex and equator and with antapex rather flat. Endoblast ovoidal to rounded-subpolygonal, thick and two-layered (mesophragm + endophragm). Horns absent; crests and processes lacking. Cingulum not clearly defined, but faintly suggested by equatorial folding: sulcus not readily visible in lateral vice, but clearly indicated in polar view by the ventral inbulge of the periblast. Archacopyle intercalary (type I/I); very large in the periblast, with archaeopyle index greater than 0.5, somewhat smaller proportionately in the endoblast. Surface of periphragm lightly granular; endoblast apparently punctate, surface of mesophragm granular.