Hystrichosphaera bentorii

Hystrichosphaera bentorii Rossignol, 1964, p.84-85

NOW Spiniferites. Originally Hystrichosphaera, subsequently (and now) Spiniferites.
Taxonomic junior synonym: Hystrichosphaera (as Spiniferites) nodosa, according to Reid (1974, p.598) and Harland (1977b, p.98–99) — however, Lentin and Williams (1981, p.264) retained Hystrichosphaera (as Spiniferites) nodosa; and Leptodinium churchillii, according to Harland (1977b, p.98–99) — however, the latter is now generally considered a taxonomic junior synonym of Hystrichosphaera (now Spiniferites) nodosa.
Motile quivalent: Gonyaulax digitalis (Pouchet, 1883) Kofoid, 1911, according to Wall and Dale (1967, p.352) and Dodge (1989, p.283).
This name was not validly published in Rossignol (1961, pl.1, figs.7–8), since no description was given, and in Rossignol (1962, p.132), who did not illustrate this taxon or provide a reference to an illustration.

Holotype: Rossignol, 1964, pl.1, figs.3, 7-8
Age: Pleistocene-Holocene

Original description (Rossignol, 1964)
Rossignol 1964, p. 84-85, pl.1, fig.3, 3bis, 7, 8; pl. 3, fig.2, 3; Text-fig.A-F
Hystrichosphaera bentori Rossignol 1962

Rossignol 1961: nomen nudum, pl. 1, fig.7, 8
Rossignol 1962, p.132

Holotype: Ashdod 15/0 - 172/172.5 m
Locus typicus: Ashdod 15/0 borehole
Stratum typicum: Pleistocene-Recent
Diagnosis: Large Hystrichospere with ovoidal test and apical protruberance. Tabulation typical of the genus, very clear: 3 pentagonal apical plates 3", 6 alternately hexa- and pentagonal precingulars 6"", the sixth being triangular; archaeopyle in the third one, hexagonal and mid-dorsal; 6 hexagonal cingulars 6c, forming a laevorotatory helicoidal band; one longitudinally elongate ventral plate; 6 pentagonal postcingulars 6""", the sixth rectangular and situated at the antapex of the ventral plate; finally, one posterior intercalary 1P between the first postcingular and the last plate, viz. the unique hexagonal antapical 1"""".
Processes at the plate corners, trifurcate, each branch finely bifurcate; the two antapical dorsals are very well developed.
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