Comparodinium punctatum var. magnum

Comparodinium var. magnum, Wille and Gocht, 1979

Now Valvaeodinium punctatum ssp. magnum. Originally Comparodinium punctatum var. magnum, subsequently Comparodinium punctatum ssp. magnum, thirdly Valvaeodinium punctatum var. magnum, fourthly (and now) Valvaeodinium punctatum ssp. magnum.

Holotype: Wille and Gocht, 1979, fig.26, no.11
Locus typicus: Jebenhausen, Swabian Alb, S Germany
Stratum typicum: Early Toarcian

Original description: [Wille and Gocht, 1979, p. 231]: (Translation: LPP):

Body elliptical, with smooth wall, unornamented except for the apical horn and occasional granae.
Apical archaeopyle with two opercula.

Holotype 66x42 µm, other (21) specimens 61-80 µm long, 38-52 µm broad.

differs from the type species in the almost complete absence of ornament and the on an average larger dimensions.
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