Coronifera granulata

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Coronifera granulata Slimani, 1994, p.71–72, pl.11, figs.1–4. Holotype: Slimani, 1994, pl.11, figs.1–4. Age: latest early–late Maastrichtian.


"Coronifera granulata sp. nov. (PLI 1, fig.1-4)
Derivation of the name: Latin: granulum, granule; reference to the granulated periphragm.
Holotvpe: Halembaye ech. 80, preparation 1, coord. E.F. J29. Type locality: Halembaye ex. 80. Typical horizon: Upper Maastrichtian. (Member of Lixhe 3).
Diagnosis: Skolochorate cyst, ovoid to subspheroidal. It bears a distinct apical process. The antapical horn is broad, tubiform and hollow with a cut distal margin. The autophragm is microgranulated and bears numerous thin, solid or hollow, isolated processes; their length is between 1/3 and 1/4 of the total diameter of the cyst. The archeopyle is precingulate type P (3"") with a free operculum.

Holotype: maximum diameter of central body: 48 pm, total diameter: 80 pm.
Variations, maximum diameter of the central body: 36 - 50 pm.
Length of processes: 12-21 pm.
Number of specimens measured: 15.
Material: > 130 copies.

The endophragm (0.5 to 1 µm thick) is smooth and attached to a periphragm regularly and densely
microgranulate. The processes number 60 to 100, non-tabular and isolated proximally. The processes are
relatively rigid, proximally expanded, rarely striated and distally acuminate or very slightly capitate. They are
simple, rarely bifurcated or very rarely trifurcated. The apical process consists of a small nipple 2 long
at 3 pm, topped by two simple processes diverging distally or by a single process bifurcated at the base.
The antapical horn (12 to 20 pm in length) is slightly striated and irregularly cut into small spines
membranousacuminate. The archaeopyle has a pentagonal outline. The operculum is monotabular and free. The paracingulum and parasulcus are not indicated.

Coronifera granulala sp. nov. is characterized by a microgranulated wall and isolated processes. At first glance,
it shows the same appearances as Fibrocysta deflandrei (LEJEUNE-CARPENTIER, 1941) LEJEUNE-CARPENTIER and SARJEANT (1981), especially by the shape of the cyst and the regular distribution of the processes; but the presence of an antapical horn, torded processes and a microgranulated wall separates it from F.? deflandrei whose wall is bordered and which lacks an antapical horn and furcate processes. Coronifera oceanica COOKSON and EISENACK (1958) emend. MAY (1980) and Coronifera oceanica subsp. hebospina YUN (1981) (Pl. 11, Fig. 5,6) have proximally connected processes. Coronifera oceanica subsp. magna (W. WETZEL, 1955) SARJEANT 1985b carries processes without proximal connections but it is distinguished from Coronifera granulala sp. nov. by its larger size and more widely spaced processes.
Stratigraphic distribution: Halembaye: sample. 35 to 87, upper Maastrichtian. (Zone to B. junior). Turnhout: -850.72 to -795.24 m, lower-upper Maastrichtian
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