Achomosphaera membraniphora

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Achomosphaera membraniphora, (Agelopoulos, 1964, p.674; text-figs.1–2) Eaton, 1976, p.237.
Emendation: Eaton, 1976, p.237, as Achomosphaera membraniphora.
Holotype: Agelopoulos, 1964, text-fig.1.
NOW Hystrichostrogylon.
Originally (and now) Hystrichostrogylon, subsequently Achomosphaera.
Age: Late Eocene.

Paratype: Agelopoulos, 1964
Locus typicus: Heiligenhafen, Holstein, Germany


Original description as Hystrichostrogylon membraniphorum : [Agelopoulos, 1964, p. 674]: (Translation: Stover and Evitt, 1978, p. 164):

Diagnosis (as for the genus):
Central shell spherical to oval, apparently slightly flattened, provided with forked spines, and enclosed by a delicate, transparent, only antapically developed, somewhat concentric outer shell that lies close to the inner shell ventrally and dorsally. Slender, long, hollow processes occur in the region of the apex which is indicated by a pylome, whereas wide, broad-surfaced processes are confined to the region of the antapex and therefore to the outer shell. The central shell within the outer shell possesses no processes.
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