Pyxidinopsis tuberculata

Data plotted here is from DINOSTRAT, available via Zenodo: DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7791273. Please cite Bijl, 2022 when using this data.




Plots are based on the following information

Marche Pyxidinopsis tuberculata Montanari et al., 1997 0.5 in mag_C6An.1n FO 20.0805 37.9105293572896
U1356A Pyxidinopsis tuberculata Bijl et al., 2018 0.8 in mag_C6Cn.1n LO 22.432 -58.25104061714286
U1356A Pyxidinopsis tuberculata Bijl et al., 2018 1 in mag_C6Cn.3n FO 23.212 -58.308288160000004
610 Pyxidinopsis tuberculata De Schepper and Head, 2009 0.8 in nan_n_NN18 FO 2.022 52.30825016
610 Pyxidinopsis tuberculata De Schepper and Head, 2009 0.05 in nan_n_NN19 LO 1.855 52.4047294
607 Pyxidinopsis tuberculata Versteegh, 1997 0.5 in nan_n_NN17 LO 2.46 39.6727302
Singa Pyxidinopsis tuberculata Versteegh and Zevenboom, 1995 0 in nan_n_NN18 FO 2.39 38.0915
Singa Pyxidinopsis tuberculata Versteegh and Zevenboom, 1995 0.1 in nan_n_NN18 LO 2.3440000000000003 38.0984
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