Areoligera volata
From Fensome et al., 2019:
Areoligera volata Drugg, 1967, p.21, pl.3, figs.11–13; pl.9, fig.4. Holotype: Drugg, 1967, pl.3, fig.11. Age: Danian.
Original description: [Drugg, 1967, p. 21]:
Test flattened, dorsal surface convex. Ventral surface more or less flat. In outline the test tends to be circular with a flattened apex and two low antapical lobes. The latter are usually, but not always, present. The wall is thin and at times can be seen to be very finely microreticulate. The test opens by means of an apical archeopyle, the operculum bears low processes which suggest the present of four plates (see pl. 3, fig. 13). The line of separation is characteristically zigzag. The ventral surface is unornamented except for a fringe on the lateral edges, sometimes weakly continued across the antapex. The dorsal side bears groups of processes arranged to suggest the presence of three precingular and three postcingular plates. The distribution of processes on the antapex varies from one to three groups making an interpretation problematical. Two girdle processes are present dorsally. The lateral processes usually extend a considerable distance outward in a wing-like fashion. For process arrangement see plate 9, figure 4a-b. Length of processes about 24 µm.
Areoligera volata Drugg, 1967, p.21, pl.3, figs.11–13; pl.9, fig.4. Holotype: Drugg, 1967, pl.3, fig.11. Age: Danian.
Original description: [Drugg, 1967, p. 21]:
Test flattened, dorsal surface convex. Ventral surface more or less flat. In outline the test tends to be circular with a flattened apex and two low antapical lobes. The latter are usually, but not always, present. The wall is thin and at times can be seen to be very finely microreticulate. The test opens by means of an apical archeopyle, the operculum bears low processes which suggest the present of four plates (see pl. 3, fig. 13). The line of separation is characteristically zigzag. The ventral surface is unornamented except for a fringe on the lateral edges, sometimes weakly continued across the antapex. The dorsal side bears groups of processes arranged to suggest the presence of three precingular and three postcingular plates. The distribution of processes on the antapex varies from one to three groups making an interpretation problematical. Two girdle processes are present dorsally. The lateral processes usually extend a considerable distance outward in a wing-like fashion. For process arrangement see plate 9, figure 4a-b. Length of processes about 24 µm.