Achomosphaera andalousiensis ssp. suttonensis
From Fensome et al., 2019:
Achomospheara andalousiensis subsp. suttonensis Head, 1997, p.169,171, fig.4, nos.3–11; fig.15, nos.2–9.
Holotype: Head, 1997, fig.4, nos.3–8.
Age: Middle Pliocene.
Original description: [Head 1997]:
a subspecies of A. andalousiensis in which fenestrations in the distal platforms of processes are relatively abundant (about 15 or more) and may be reduced to small perforations.
Cysts spiniferate with ovoidal central body. Endoblast surface smooth, periblast surface almost smooth to shagreenate. Wall layers closely appressed between processes but may separate where processes bases are in close proximity.
Process stems hollow, usually having circular cross-sections at base but may become y-shaped distally; most processes terminate as trifurcate fenestrate or perforate distal platforms. A range of platform sizes and perforation densities may occur at base of processes, small slits may occur along stem.
Gonyaulacoid tabulation indicated by gonal processes and precingular Type P(3’’) archeopyle; operculum free.
Holotype: central body length, 42 μm; central body width, 31 μm; length of longest process, 16 μm; maximum diameter of largest process platform, 16 μm.
Range: central body length, 34(40.4)46 μm; length longest process, 11(15.0)18 μm. Nineteen specimens were measured.
Achomospheara andalousiensis subsp. suttonensis Head, 1997, p.169,171, fig.4, nos.3–11; fig.15, nos.2–9.
Holotype: Head, 1997, fig.4, nos.3–8.
Age: Middle Pliocene.
Original description: [Head 1997]:
a subspecies of A. andalousiensis in which fenestrations in the distal platforms of processes are relatively abundant (about 15 or more) and may be reduced to small perforations.
Cysts spiniferate with ovoidal central body. Endoblast surface smooth, periblast surface almost smooth to shagreenate. Wall layers closely appressed between processes but may separate where processes bases are in close proximity.
Process stems hollow, usually having circular cross-sections at base but may become y-shaped distally; most processes terminate as trifurcate fenestrate or perforate distal platforms. A range of platform sizes and perforation densities may occur at base of processes, small slits may occur along stem.
Gonyaulacoid tabulation indicated by gonal processes and precingular Type P(3’’) archeopyle; operculum free.
Holotype: central body length, 42 μm; central body width, 31 μm; length of longest process, 16 μm; maximum diameter of largest process platform, 16 μm.
Range: central body length, 34(40.4)46 μm; length longest process, 11(15.0)18 μm. Nineteen specimens were measured.