Batioladinium gochtii ssp. rude

Batioladinium gochtii, (Alberti, 1961), Lentin and Williams, 1977 subsp. rude (Iosifova, 1992) Iosifova 1996

Basionym: Batioladinium pomum Davey, 1982 subsp. rude Iosofova, 1992, Paleontol. 2h., 4: 59, pl. IX, 4, 5.

Holotype: Iosifova 1992 fig. Pl. IX, 4, 5; Iosifova 1996: Plate XIV, 5
Locus typicus: Chernaya Retchka outcrop, the Ryazan district, Russia.
Occurrence: Tchernaya Retchka outcrop, the Ryazanian, R. riasanensis ammonite zone.
Stratum typicum: the Ryazanian, R. riasanensis ammonite zone (Ryazan horizon)

Iosifova 1996, p. 211:

A subspecies of B. gochtii with coarsely granulate or papillate sculpture. Sculptural elements become stronger towards the antapex.

Length: holotype: 70µm, isotype: 70µm, range: 68-70µm; width: holotype: 34µm, isotype: 30µm, range: 30-35µm. Three specimens measured.

It differs from the type material of B. gochtii by its coarse sculpture.
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