Warrenia brevispinosa

From Fensome et al., 2019:
(Iosifova, 1992, p.61–62, pl.10, figs.2a–b,3a–b) Iosifova, 1996, p.231. Holotype: Iosifova, 1992, pl.10, figs.3a–b; Iosifova, 1996, pl.14, figs.1a–c. NOW Gongylodinium?. Originally Kiokansium, subsequently Warrenia?, thirdly (and now) Gongylodinium?. Questionable assignment: Iosifova (1996, p.231). Taxonomic junior synonym: Gongylodinium pauliae, according to Duxbury (2018, p.182 — under Gongylodinium acmeum).

Type locality: Chernaya Retchka outcrop, the Ryazan district, Russia.
Type stratum: Valanginian. (Note: Iosifova 1996: deposits of probable Hauterivian age)

Diagnosis: Iosifova 1996, p. 231, 233
A species of Warrenia bearing short spines, distributed equally and densely all over the cyst surface.

Dimensions: Diameter: holotype: 56µm, isotype: 56µm, range: 44-60µm. Four specimens measured.

Description: Iosifova 1996, p. 231, 233
Cysts proximate, spherical, two-layered. Wall thick (thickness about 1 µm). Periphragm and endophragm are in contact everywhere. Periphragm bears short spines (length less than 0.5 µm), distributed equally and densely all over the cyst surface. Paratabulation indicated only by archeopyle suture. Archeopyle 2P. Operculum free.

Remarks: There is a problem in what genus this species must be attributed. Several genera have subspherical shape, archeopyle 2P without neither apical horn, nor traces of paratabulation. The diagnosis of Gongylodinium Fenton et al., 1980 is most comparable, but Prauss (1989) suggested that the archeopyle of G. hocneratum Fenton et al., 1980, the type species of the genus, is variable, Type P(1-5""), and, thus, synonymized the genus Gongylodinium with Dissiliodinium Drugg, 1978. Bitectatodinium Wilson, 1973 includes species with tectate spongy periphragm. Kiokansium Stover and Evitt, 1978 emend. Duxbury, 1983 has much longer solid processes. This species is tentatively attributed to the genus Warrenia because of the absence of penitabular (or intratabular) anastomosing sculpture.

Comparison: The new species differs from Warrenia calirornica Monteil, 1992a by the absence of a penitabular anastomosing sculpture. ?W. brevispinosa Iosifova, sp. nov. resembles Gongylodinium acmeum Arhus, 1992 by its size and type of archeopyle, but differs from it by its sculpture (simple spines instead of granulae, baculae and papilli). The constitution of the wall in G. ac meum is unknown.

Occurrence: Tchernaya Retchka outcrop, deposits of probable Hauterivian age.
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