Systematophora jubifera

Systematophora jubifena Dodekova 1994

Holotype: Dodekova 1994 pl. VII, figs. 5,8
Locus typicus: borehole R-1 Junak, depth 1605 m; Northeastern Bulgaria.
Stratum typicum: Tica Fm, Middle Tithonian, Chitinoidella Zone

Dimensions (in µm). Holotype: body length (archeopyle developed): 74 body width: 72, process length: 26. Range: length: 70-79, width: 67-79, processes: 25-30 (10 specimens measured).

Original diagnosis: Dodekova 1994, p. 34:
Phragmochorate cyst with subspherical central body and penitabular to intratabular intricated complexes of processes. The cingulum has 6 pairs of processes joined proximally by a low ridge. The sulcus construction is unknown. The tabulation formula is gonyaulacacean but on account of complexity of the process morphology it had not been determined fully--O-Xpr, X", 6", 6c, 6""", 1p, 1"", Xs. The archeopyle is apical, type tA, with zig-zag margin and accessory archeopyle sutures. Operculum free, not observed.

Original description: Dodekova 1994, p. 34:
The wall is composed of two layers which are closely appressed except where the periphragm forms the processes. The surface is smooth to scabrate. The very intricated complexes of processes on the pre-, postcingular and antapical series are penitabular. They are adcingular closed with subelliptic or rounded trapezoidal bases which large side is subparallel to the cingulum. The bases of the processes are delineated by low ridges. By them risen complex processes with numerous stages of branching and linkage, slightly membranous or solid. They are "lace -like" and difficult may be described in details (pl. VII, figs. 3, 4). There are not ring trabeculae at their distal ends. The complexes of processes vary in width according to the position on the cyst, the pre-, postcingular dorsal and antapical being the largest. The ventral complexes are with narrow bases and minor (to 3) solid processes branching distally. The complexity of the processes and their penitabular position give of S. jubifera sp. n. an appearance similar to the ambitus of some species of the genus Adnatosphaeridium. But in the new species inter-process trabeculae are lacking. The wall of the cyst is thin and more of the specimens are broken or distorted. There are many separated plates in the slides (pl. VII, figs. 3, 4). They are chiefly from precingular and postcingular dorsolateral series.

Remarks. The large size of the cyst and the intricacy of the pellitabullar complexes of processes distinguish S. jubifera sp. n. from all perviously described species of Systematophora .

Occurrence: Borehole R-1 Junak (depth 1536 m. Late Tithonian, Crassicollaria Zone; depth 1605 m. Middle Tithonian, Chitinoidella Zone, Tica fm.).
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