Systematophora prodigiosa
Systematophora? prodigiosa Dodekova 1994
Holotype: Dodekova 1994: pl. VIII, figs. 3, 4
Locus typicus: borehole R-1 Junak, depth 1605 m, Northeastern Bulgaria .
Stratum typicum: Tica Fm., Middle Tithonian, Chitinoidella Zone
Dimensions (in µm). Holotype: body length: 75, body width: 71, process length: 23-30. Range; length: 70-75, width: 70-71, process: 23-30 (8 specimens measured).
Original diagnosis: Dodekova 1994, p. 35
Phragmochorate cyst with spherical to subspherical central body and interatabular very intricated annulate complexes processes on the precingular and postcingular series and on the antapex. They are closed towards the cingulum. On the apex and sulcus the annulate complexes are simpler, someone are tubiform proximally and branching distally, or composed of two or three individual processes. The characteristic feature of this species is construction of the cingulum. It includes six linearly arranged groups of 3-4 (rarely 2) individual processes arising from low ridges (pl. VIII, figs. 5, 6). In the genus Systematophora this construction of the cingulum for the first time is observed. Normally Systematophora has two linearly arranged processes occuped each cingular plate, as is the case in the type species S. areolata Klement, 1960. Because of this the generic name of the new species is put up with interrogative. Tabulation formula: lpr, 4", 6", 6c, 6"", 1p, 1"", 5s. Archeopyle apical, type A, operculum free.
Description. Dodekova 1994, p. 35
The morphology of the new species is very complicated and its whole-hearted model is based on the study of a large number of specimens. The cyst is spherical to subspherical with two-layered wall. The two layers are closely appressed except where the periphragm forms the processes (pl. VIII, fig, 5). The periphragm is scabrate and irregularly perforate more noticeable in the processes. The processes corresponding to the large plates in the proximate cysts are intratabular to penitabular annulate complexes closed to the cingulum. They are an intricate network, slightly membranous with many and different perforations, or many individual processes arising from low basal ridges and with numerous stages of branching. The apical and ventral pre postoindular processes are less divided and somewhere tubifrom proximally. The cingular processes are the peculiarity of the species. They are six rectilinear groups. Each group consists of low ridge with commonly 3 (rarey 2 or 4) slender solid individual processes. They usually have internal vacuoles at their bases and distally terminate with a simple tip, with a small bifurcation or with few simple distal branches (pl. VIII, figs. 5, 6). Normally the groups with 3-4 individual processes are disposed on the dorsal side of the cyst and the groups with 2-3 processes are on the ventral side. The complicated specific morphology requires a favourable position to the specimens for observation of the cingular processes. The sulcus has: an anterior triangular ridge, posterior--a horseshoe-shaped ridge with 3-4 ingividual processes and 3 small denticulated distally low ridges in central region. The plate 1"" is presented by a single low ridge. The archeopyle is apical, with zig-zag margin and sulcal notch. The operculum is free. The intraspecific variatons are presented by the length of the processes and their complication.
Remarks. The intricated annulate complexes combined with uncommon cingular processes distingish S? prodigiosa sp. n. from all previously described species.
Occurrence. Borehole R-l Junak (depth 1605 m, Tica Fm., Middle Tithonian, Chitinoidella Zone).
Holotype: Dodekova 1994: pl. VIII, figs. 3, 4
Locus typicus: borehole R-1 Junak, depth 1605 m, Northeastern Bulgaria .
Stratum typicum: Tica Fm., Middle Tithonian, Chitinoidella Zone
Dimensions (in µm). Holotype: body length: 75, body width: 71, process length: 23-30. Range; length: 70-75, width: 70-71, process: 23-30 (8 specimens measured).
Original diagnosis: Dodekova 1994, p. 35
Phragmochorate cyst with spherical to subspherical central body and interatabular very intricated annulate complexes processes on the precingular and postcingular series and on the antapex. They are closed towards the cingulum. On the apex and sulcus the annulate complexes are simpler, someone are tubiform proximally and branching distally, or composed of two or three individual processes. The characteristic feature of this species is construction of the cingulum. It includes six linearly arranged groups of 3-4 (rarely 2) individual processes arising from low ridges (pl. VIII, figs. 5, 6). In the genus Systematophora this construction of the cingulum for the first time is observed. Normally Systematophora has two linearly arranged processes occuped each cingular plate, as is the case in the type species S. areolata Klement, 1960. Because of this the generic name of the new species is put up with interrogative. Tabulation formula: lpr, 4", 6", 6c, 6"", 1p, 1"", 5s. Archeopyle apical, type A, operculum free.
Description. Dodekova 1994, p. 35
The morphology of the new species is very complicated and its whole-hearted model is based on the study of a large number of specimens. The cyst is spherical to subspherical with two-layered wall. The two layers are closely appressed except where the periphragm forms the processes (pl. VIII, fig, 5). The periphragm is scabrate and irregularly perforate more noticeable in the processes. The processes corresponding to the large plates in the proximate cysts are intratabular to penitabular annulate complexes closed to the cingulum. They are an intricate network, slightly membranous with many and different perforations, or many individual processes arising from low basal ridges and with numerous stages of branching. The apical and ventral pre postoindular processes are less divided and somewhere tubifrom proximally. The cingular processes are the peculiarity of the species. They are six rectilinear groups. Each group consists of low ridge with commonly 3 (rarey 2 or 4) slender solid individual processes. They usually have internal vacuoles at their bases and distally terminate with a simple tip, with a small bifurcation or with few simple distal branches (pl. VIII, figs. 5, 6). Normally the groups with 3-4 individual processes are disposed on the dorsal side of the cyst and the groups with 2-3 processes are on the ventral side. The complicated specific morphology requires a favourable position to the specimens for observation of the cingular processes. The sulcus has: an anterior triangular ridge, posterior--a horseshoe-shaped ridge with 3-4 ingividual processes and 3 small denticulated distally low ridges in central region. The plate 1"" is presented by a single low ridge. The archeopyle is apical, with zig-zag margin and sulcal notch. The operculum is free. The intraspecific variatons are presented by the length of the processes and their complication.
Remarks. The intricated annulate complexes combined with uncommon cingular processes distingish S? prodigiosa sp. n. from all previously described species.
Occurrence. Borehole R-l Junak (depth 1605 m, Tica Fm., Middle Tithonian, Chitinoidella Zone).