Lejeunia cinctoria

Lejeunia cintoria Bujak in Bujak et al., 1980

NOW Lejeunecysta. Originally Lejeunia (generic name illegitimate), subsequently (and now) Lejeunecysta.
Following I.C.N. Article 55.1, the species name Lejeunia cinctoria is validly published even though the generic name Lejeunia is illegitimate.

Holotype: Bujak in Bujak et al. 1980, pl.18, figs. 1-2
Paratype: Bujak in Bujak et al. 1980, pl.18, figs. 3-4
Locus typicus: Whitecliff Bay, Isle of Wight, S England
Stratum typicum: Late Eocene

Original diagnosis: Bujak, 1980, p. 68
Autocyst peridinioid with dorsoventral compression and a pentagonal ambitus. The
epicyst and hypocyst lengths are approximately equal. The apex is rounded, truncated, or has a small distinct boss. Two approximately equal, symmetrically located antapical horns are present or absent. When present, the horns are pointed and solid. Autophragm laevigate to chagrinate. Spines are always present on the paracingular margins. They may also be present at the apex, ambital periphery, and often form a curved row between the antapical horns. The spines are solid, short, proximally expanded, simple or bifid, and often vary in size and shape on a single specimen. Paratabulation is only indicated near the archaeopyle and paracingulum. The planar or slightly helicoidal paracingulum is delimited by two folds and a shallow indentation. The folds are distally spinate and may be continuous or partite. When partite, the paracingulum is separated into seven anterior and five posterior divisions. The parasulcus is marked by a shallow depression. The archaeopyle is intercalary 2a and is symmetrically located on the middorsal line. It extends almost to the paracingulum. The operculum is free or remains attached along the posterior margin. Transverse archaeopyle index = 0.37-0.42, longitudinal archaeopyle index = 0.68-0.78, archaeopyle ratio = 0.9-12.
Dimensions. Autocyst length = 44-62 µm, breadth = 41-63 µm, maximum spine length = 3-4 µm.
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