Wuroia unciformis

Wuroia unciformis Marshall 1989

Holotype. Marshall 1989: Plate 7, figs. 15, 16.
Locus typicus: Gippsland Basin, Southeastern Australia
Stratum typicum: Late Cretaceous

Description: Marshall 1989, p. 50
Cysts weakly to strongly crescentic, widest near mid-length and tapering towards poles. One pole narrowly rounded, the other open; usually irregularly torn, occasionally truncated with a uniform outline. Polar areas bear numerous longitudinal folds. Cyst wall smooth to scabrate; 0.4-1.2 µm thick near mid-length, thins markedly towards poles (poles: ca. 0.4 µm thick, mid-length ca. 1.0 µm thick on holotype).

Size. Cyst length 104(125) 159 µm, width 30(38)50 µm; 12 specimens measured.

Comparison. This species has a similar shape to the Early Cretaceous dinoflagellate Wallodinium lunum (Cookson & Eisenack) Lentin & Williams 1973, but has only one wall layer. Wuroia unciformis differs from other species of Wuroia in having a crescentic outline.

Occurrence. Cook Cruise sample C4/87 21DDa.
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