Achomosphaera andalousiensis ssp. andalousiensis

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Achomosphaera andalousiensis subsp. andalousiensis, Autonym.
Holotype: Jan du Chêne, 1977, pl.1, fig.1, lost according to Jan du Chêne and Londeix (1988, p.237).
Lectotype: Jan du Chêne and Londeix, 1988, pl.1, figs.1–3, designated by Jan du Chêne and Londeix (1988, p.244).


Original description

a subspecies of A. andalousiensis in which fenestrations in the distal platforms of processes are relatively few (about 7 or less) and large.

Central body length, 37(38.9)45 μm; central body equatorial diameter, 25(29.3)32 μm; length of the longest process, 15(18.3)21 μm. Four specimens were measured.

Specimens compare well with the type material of A. andalousiensis from the upper Miocene of France (Jan du Chêne and Londeix, 1988).
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