Dalella siciliense

Dalella "siciliensis" Zevenboom and Santarelli in Zevenboom, 1995, p.143, pl.3, figs.1-6.

Name not validly published: considered a manuscript name by the authors.
Holotype: Zevenboom, 1995, pl.3, figs.1-3.
Age: latest Mid Miocene-early Late Miocene.

G.L. Williams short notes on species, Mesozoic-Cenozoic dinocyst course, Urbino, Italy, May 17-22, 1999 - LPP VIEWER CD-ROM 99.5.

Dalella siciliense Zevenboom and Santarelli in Zevenboom, 1995, has the endophragm and periphragm connected apically and dorsally only. Size: height of periphragm 90-101 µm, width of periphragm 90-100 µm, height of endophragm 20-40 µm, width of periphragm 20-40 µm.

Original description (Zevenboom, 1995):
Dalella siciliense Zevenboom and Santarelli sp.nov. (manuscript name) (Plate III, 1-6)
1986c thalassiphora? Sp. A, Powell, Plae 1, fig. 4
1989a ? Gen. et sp. indeterminate, Head et al., Plate 4, figs. 1, 2, 4; Plate 6, figs. 1-3, 6, 7

Manuscript holotype: Sample: Cp 3697/3 EF (P48), Plate III, 1-3
Manuscript paratype: Sample: Cp 3697/2 EF (H32/2), Plate III, 4-6
Etymology: in reference to Sicily, the location of the type section.
Type locality: Gimmoia section, Sicily, South Italy.
Type stratum: Upper Miocene.

Diagnosis: A species of Dalella characterize by the endophragm and periphragm being connected apically and dorsally only.
Dimensions: Height of periphragm: 90 (97) 101 µm; Width of periphragm: 90 (96) 100 µm; Height of endophragm: 20 (31) 40 µm; Width of endophragm: 20 (32) 40 µm, N = 10.
Description: A large bowl shaped species of Dalella. The endophragm is smooth, the periphragm is inflates, incomplete and bears parasutural septa. These reflect 4 apical, 6 precingular and 1-6 paracingular and possibly 1-2’’’ paraplates. The archeopyle is precingular and most probably formed by the loss of plate 3’’. The operculum is free. The small endocyst is smooth and shows no tabulation, except for the precingular archeopyle.

Remark: Dalella siciliense differs from Dalella chatchamense McMinn and Sun, 1994, in having less connections between the endo- and periphragm.
Occurrence: Italy (this study; Powell, 1986c) and the Labrador sea (Head et al., 1989a).
Total stratigraphic range: Late Miocene of the Labrador Sea (Head et al., 1989c) at Latest Middle Miocene to early Late Miocene (this study) see Fig. 5.
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