Apectodinium raritubiformium

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Apectodinium raritubiformium, Chenglong, 1999a, p.36, figs.11–13.
Holotype: Shaw Chenglong, 1999a, figs.11–13.
Age: Eocene.


Original description: [Shaw Chenglong, 1999a]:

Cysts intermediate, outline polygonal or more or less rounded; the wall of cyst thin and sparsed with appendages; processes tubiformed, with bifid or entire tips, fairly long (up to 18 long), surface view smooth. The endophragm is always very close contact with the perophragm. Intercalary archeopyle, sometimes indistinct.

Overall length 95μm long, the breadth 72μm wide, length of endocyst 85 μm long, breadth 68μm wide, surface features with tubiform processes, the tubiforms about 10-18 long (n=1).

The new species resembles Apectodinium homomorphum in having a roughly similar outline. However it differs from that in having sparsed and longer tubiformed appendages.
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