Areoligera taiwaniana
From Fensome et al., 2019:
Areoligera taiwaniana Shaw Chenglong, 1999b, p.180, figs.70–71. Holotype: Shaw Chenglong, 1999b, figs.70–71. Age:
Original description: [Shaw Chenglong, 1999b]:
cyst subspherical to elliptical; marginate cyst; surface feature with penitabular processes which arises from low dissected and incomplete thin septa, from more or less arcuate to rectilinear distally branched process groups; tips of some adjacent process groups may be connected by trabeculae.
Paratabulation indicated by penutabular process groups; autophragm 1-1.5 μm thick;
apical archeopyle, operculum sometimes indistinct; 37x54 μm.
No indications of paratabulation, paracingulum, or parasulcus.
holotype: Overall 64 μm long, 51 μm wide, cyst 54 μm long, 37 μm wide, surface features with penitabular processes which arises from low dissected and incomplete thin septa, the processes 13-25 μm long.
Areoligera taiwaniana Shaw Chenglong, 1999b, p.180, figs.70–71. Holotype: Shaw Chenglong, 1999b, figs.70–71. Age:
Original description: [Shaw Chenglong, 1999b]:
cyst subspherical to elliptical; marginate cyst; surface feature with penitabular processes which arises from low dissected and incomplete thin septa, from more or less arcuate to rectilinear distally branched process groups; tips of some adjacent process groups may be connected by trabeculae.
Paratabulation indicated by penutabular process groups; autophragm 1-1.5 μm thick;
apical archeopyle, operculum sometimes indistinct; 37x54 μm.
No indications of paratabulation, paracingulum, or parasulcus.
holotype: Overall 64 μm long, 51 μm wide, cyst 54 μm long, 37 μm wide, surface features with penitabular processes which arises from low dissected and incomplete thin septa, the processes 13-25 μm long.