Canningia hulinensis

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Canningia ?hulinensis He Chengquan et al., 1999, p.192,199–200, pl.1, figs.1–6; text-fig.3.
Holotype: He Chengquan et al., 1999, pl.1, figs.1–3; text-fig.3; Fensome et al., 2019a, figs.13A–.C.
Questionable assignment: Fensome et al. (2019a, p.25.).
Fensome et al. (2019a, p.25) recommended that this species be restricted to the holotype.
Age: late Hauterivian–Barremian.

Comments Fensome et al., 2019a:
He Chengquan et al. (Citation1999, p. 199) noted that the autophragm is ‘covered by a great number of short processes which are slender, solid, unequal[ly] long, nontabular …’. On the holotype the processes are ‘arranged in many groups, each group … of 3 or 4 processes, some or all groups of processes connected distally by … pieces … of smooth ectophragm which is thickened, resulting in tuberous autophragm surface …’. The illustrations appear to show short, irregular outgrowths from the endophragm, possibly resulting from corrosion. The species may be a taxonomic junior synonym of Tenua scabrosa; but given its unclear morphology, we retain it questionably in Canningia and suggest that it be restricted to the type material.

Stratigraphical occurrence. Canningia? hulinensis was originally described from the upper Hauterivian to Barremian of Heilongjiang Province, China.
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