Cleistosphaeridium israelianum

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Cleistosphaeridium ?israelianum (Rossignol, 1962, p.132, pl.2, fig.3) Davey et al., 1966, p.170. Holotype: Rossignol, 1962, pl.2, fig.3. Combination not validly published: basionym not fully referenced. NOW Operculodinium. Originally Hystrichosphaeridium, subsequently Baltisphaeridium (Appendix A), thirdly Cleistosphaeridium (combination not validly published), fourthly (and now) Operculodinium, fifthly Cordosphaeridium (combination not validly published). Taxonomic junior synonyms: Cleistosphaeridium cephalum, according to Jain and Garg (1991, p.78); Operculodinium crassum, according to Edwards and Andrle (1992, p.262) — however, Head (1996b, p.1231) retained Operculodinium crassum; and Hystrichosphaeridium westii (name not validly published), by implication in Wall and Dale (1968a, p.315, as "hystrichosphere type x of West"). Motile equivalent: Peridinium (now Protoceratium) reticulatum Claparède and Lachmann, 1859, questionably according to Wall and Dale (1968c, p.272), and without question according to Matsuoka (1989, p.224) (but see Mudie et al., 2017, p.72). Age: Pleistocene.

Rossignol 1962, p. 132, pl.2, fig.3
Hystrichosphaeridium israelianum n.sp.
With then same general characteristics as the previous (H.ashdodense eds.) but the processes are much shorter, thick-set. Especially abundant in recent sediments.

Supplemental description: Head, 1993, p.29
Cysts spherical, chorate, with a minutely fibroreticulate periphragm and thinner solid endophragm. Periphragm appears spongy in thicker walled specimens. Processes are fibrous and may be acuminate or finely capitate. Acuminate tips tend to occur on those specimens bearing shorter (<5 Ám long) process. On well-preserved specimens distribution of processes is observed to be nonuniform and probably intratabular.

Head, 1993, p.29: A morphotype from mid-Pliocene deposits of eastern England (as Operculodinium israelianum in Head, 1989) has a distinctively perforate periphragm and processes that are more robust with more conspicuously platformed tips than is typical for O israelianum (see Head and Wrenn, 1992, p. 22, for further comments). Other Pliocene and Pleistocene North Sea records (e.g., O israelianum in Wall and Dale, 1968) may warrant similar close scrutiny.
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