Exochosphaeridium giganteum

Exochosphaeridium giganteum (Caro, 1973, p.360-361, pl.2, fig.12) Hochuli and Masure in Fauconnier and Masure, 2004, p.345.

Originally Polysphaeridium, subsequently Cleistosphaeridium, thirdly Impletosphaeridium, fourthly (and now) Exochosphaeridium.
Holotype: Caro, 1973, pl.2, fig.12; Fauconnier and Masure, 2004, pl.49, figs.13-14.
Age: Early Eocene.

Original description, Caro, 1973: Polysphaeridium giganteum [translation PKB 2024]:
Polysphaeridium giganteum sp.nov. (Pl. 2, fig. 12)
Origin of the name: The size of the species: 100 µm for the central body only.
Diagnosis: The hemispherical central body bears numerous appendages all equal in size and well over 20 in number. The archeopyle is apical.
Holotype: blade 641 (1) Campo section (Pl. 2, fig. 12)
Distribution in the Campo Cup: SP-2014 to SP-641

Overall: 170 µm
Variation in the diameter of the central body: 110 µm (103 µm) 97 µm (on 5 individuals)
Length of appendages: 35 µm to 37 µm
Average diameter of the appendages at the base: 2 to 3 µm

Description: the central body is relatively thick and bears numerous appendages greater than 20 in number. The base of these appendages is widened, and these appendages can bifurcate at different heights; they are finely ridged and relatively straight. The archeopyle is rarely present. Tabulation cannot be established. The size of this species is double or more than double the previously described P. subtil (47 µm), P. pastielsi (37-43 µm), P. pumilum (25-19 µm), P. laminaspinosum (27 µm) The diameter of the central body of this species is 100 µm.
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