Hystrichokolpoma taperinium

Hystrichokolpoma taperinium Shaw Chenglong, 1999b, p.188, figs.108-113. Holotype: Shaw Chenglong, 1999b, figs.108-110. Age: Eocene.

Original description (Shaw Chenglong, 1999b)
Holotype: Slide OK-1 1788-bl-(2); Figs. 108-110 (Holotype at three focus levels); film W52-24, W52-26; CPC Micropaleontology Lab.
Description: Spherical to subspherical cyst with moderately thick smooth endophragm and periphargm, both layers in close contact, diameter 51-52 µm; parasutural features are relatively narrow, linear and low ridges between raised intratabular areas. Precingular and postcingular intratabular with crumpled-conical penitabular processes 4-9 µm long. Antapical processes indistinctive. Paracingulum indicated by simple tapering processes (n>10), the processes up to 7 µm long. Apical archeopyle with subrounded margin, operculum free. Stratigraphic occurence: Eocene (OK-1 well, 1788 m). Derivation of name: Latin, taperinia refers to the tapering processes on the paracingulum. Dimensions Holotype: Overall 52 µm long, 48 µm wide, cyst 46 µm long, 46 µm wide, surface features with crumpled-conical penitabular processes, processes up to 4-9 µm long.
Remarks: The new species resembles Hystrichokolpoma cinctum Klumpp in having a roughly similar outline; however, it differs both in having crumpled-conical penitabular processes, and in lacking a long antapical process. The new speccies also closely resembles Eisenackia crassitabulata Deflandre & Cookson emend. McLean in having roughly similar outline; however, it differs in having a tapering processes on the paracingulum.
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