Moria zachosii

Moria zachosii Sluijs et al., 2009, p.50, pl.1, figs.1–7; pl.2, figs.1–6; text-figs.3a–b.

Holotype: Sluijs et al., 2009, pl.1, figs.1–4.
Age: late Eocene.

Original description (Sluijs et al., 2009):
Moria zachosii sp nov. Plate I, 1–7; Plate 2, nos.1–6; text–fig. 3.
Derivation of name: Named for Dr. James C. Zachos, Cretaceous and Cenozoic paleoceanographer.
Holotype: Plate I, 1–4; Paratypes: Plate I, 5–7: Plate II, 1–6.

Diagnosis: A species of Moria in which the columellae are of equal length, in which the ectophragm is of uniform thickness except at the apical horn.

Description: A promimate, cornucavate cyst, with pentagonal endocyst and pericyst, the latter having antapical horns of unequal length. The periphragm bears numerous, evenly-spaced columellae, that are also aligned in penitabular rows, which delineate a bipesioid peridiniacean tabulation as the coumellae are of equal length, the ectophragm is of uniform thickness except at the apical horn. The cingulum and sulcus are clearly indented and also bear columellae. The sulcus extends onto the epicyst and on the hypocyst reaches almost to the antapex. The archeopyle is intercalary, resulting from the loss of the isodeltaform 2a or all three anterior intercalary plates (type I or 3I). The operculum is usually free.

Dimensions: Holotype: 52 × 44 μm. Range: length 50(54)61 μm, breadth 35(41)45 μm. Ten specimens measured.

Stratigraphic occurrence: Late Eocene of the East Tasman Plateau and South Tasman Rise; Southwest Pacific Ocean.
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