Pentadinium sabulum

Pentadinium sabulum Fensome et al., 2009, p.54, pl.9, figs.i–o.

Holotype: Fensome et al., 2009, pl.9, figs.k–l (Early Miocene)
Age: youngest occurrence, middle Aquitanian (Early Miocene)

Original description (Fensome et al., 2009): Pentadinium sabulum sp. nov. (Plate 9, figs i-o)

A species of Pentadinium in which the endo phragm is distinctly granulate.

Overall length 86(92)98μm, overall width 85(91)103μm, length of endocyst 70(72)81μm, width of endocyst 68(73)79μm; 4 specimens measured, except 3 for endocyst length (excluding holotype because protruding endoperculum obscures true length of endocyst).
Holotype: Overall length 89μm, overall width 85 μm, length of endocyst (including protruding operculum) 85 μm, width of endocyst 73 μm.

This species differs from Pentadinium granulatum (see above) in having a granular rather than vermiculate wall. Pentadinium goniferum has a 'coarsely granular to ver micular surface and tricornered gonal processes' (Edwards 1982: 114).
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