Pervosphaeridium granaciculare

Pervosphaeridium granaciculare Fensome et al., 2009, p.54, pl.9, figs.p–s.

Holotype: Fensome et al.,, 2009, Plate 9, figs p-s
Age: youngest occurrence, early Campanian (Late Cretaceous)

Original description (Fensome et al., 2009): Pervosphaeridium granaciculare sp. nov.
A species of Pervosphaeridium with numerous fine, flexible, needle-like parallel-sided processes.
Central body and processes granular.

Maximium diameter of central body 38(46)63 μm, processes up to 9(12)14μm long; 5 specimens measured.
Holotype: Maximium diameter of central body 45 μm, processes up to 14 μm.

Apart from the (theoretical) presence of a P (rather than 2P) archaeopyle, Exochosphaeridium phragmites differs from Pervosphaeridium granaciculare in having more robust, less flexible and less distinctly granular pro cesses. Pervosphaeridium pseudhystrichodinium has broad, blade-like flexible processes, and Pervosphaeridium monasteriense has longer, blade-like processes that are connected basally by ridges on the central body.
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