Sentusidinium fungosum

Sentusidinium fungosum Harding, 1990b, p.43–44, pl.25, figs.1–9 ex Harding in Williams et al., 1998, p.557.

Holotype: Harding, 1990b, pl.25, fig.1.
Originally Cleistosphaeridium (name not validly published), subsequently (and now) Sentusidinium. The name Cleistosphaeridium fungosum was not validly published in Harding (1990b) since the lodgment of the holotype was not specified.
Age: early Barremian.

Original description: [Harding, 1990, p.43]:

Shape: Ambitus subspherical. Even distribution of equidimensional tubiform processes. Epicyst and hypocyst not differentiated. No dorso-ventral compression.
Phragma: Autophragm ca. 0.5 µm thick, distally covered in densely packed filamentous fibres up to 1 µm long and 0.2 µm in diameter. Numerous solid, tubiform processes (?periphragm) up to 4 µm long are evenly distributed over the cyst surface in an apparently non-tabular fashion. The processes flare slightly distally and may have a central perforation at the end.
Paratabulation: Epicystal paratabulation identified from the accessory archaeopyle sutures: 4", 6", + ai. Hypocystal paratabulation unknown.
Archaeopyle: Type (tA), involving four apicals as free, simple, polyplacoid operculum. Accessory archaeopyle sutures formed between the precingular paraplate series.
Paracingulum: Undifferentiated.
Parasulcus: Undifferentiated.

Diameter (45) 37.8 (32) µm. Process length (5) 3 (2) µm.
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