Wilsonidium conspicuum

From Fensome et al., 2019:

Wilsonidinium conspicuum (He Chengquan, 1991, p.103–104, pl.44, figs.6–12) Williams et al., 2015, p.318.
Holotype: He Chengquan, 1991, pl.44, fig.10.
Originally Wilsonidium lineidentatum subsp. conspicuum, subsequently (and now) Wilsonidium conspicuum.
Age: Early Eocene.


Description from He Chengquan, 1991, translated by Suning Hou, 07-01-2019
1955 Wetzeliella lineidentata Deflandre et Cookson, p. 253, pl.5, fig.S.
1961 Wetzeliella lineidentata, Cookson & Eisenack, p.40, pl.1, fig.7.
1964 Wetzeliella lineidentata, Eisenack & Klement, in Eisenack, 1964-1981, pl.6, in g.3.
1976 Wilsonidium lineidentatum (Deflandre et Cookson) Lentin et Williams, p.139.

Description: The cyst is dorsal-ventral flattened, contour pentagonal, width larger than length or nearly equal with a toothed edge. Upper cyst triangular, an apical horn extending at the top, conical, 23-32 μm long, blunt top. The lower cyst is inverted trapezoid, with two significant unequal antapical horns, the greater the blunt cone, long 3 0-tOμm, small degradation or convex. Both lateral horns developed, 22.5-33 μm long, tapering distally, the terminals usually open or concave. Cingulum obvious, going through 2 lateral horns and their connection line, its edge Is marked by two rows of teeth - short rod-shaped processes and (or) horizontal grooves. The outer wall is transparent and fragile, with short processes distributed in rows on the surface, toothed-rod-shaped, length 0.5-7.5 μm, bases are far apart from each other, the ends simple or expanded -small bifurcate; Sometimes there are more processes at the distal apical horn and (or) lateral horns, forming a flower-shaped or spiny; z protrusion. The distribution shows a clear polygonal member, but the plate surface is not determined between the outer surface of P smooth or smooth outer wall. Inner body significant, nearly oval or oval-shaped contour, the surface smooth or fine mixing → rough. Archeopyle before the type, 2a type, the outline of the trapezoid. Cover off or in situ preservation. Cyst length 125-165 μm, width 113 a 147. 5 μm, the inner body length 73-102.5 μm, width 73-91 μm (measured 10); Holotype length 134 μm, Width 135 μm, inner body length 75 μm, width 73 μm, apical horn length 26 μm, antapical horns length 32 μm, lateral horns length 32 μm, the processes length 1-7.5 μm
Discussion: This new subspecies is quite distinct from the holotype of the species in developed horns, usually long processes etc. However, some specimens that have been assigned to Wilsonidium lineidentatum (see Synonyms) show some transitional characteristics between this new subspecies and species holotype. Therefore, the current specimen is classified as one of the subspecies until sufficient evidences of the morphological change of the species has been obtained.
Location and stratigraphy: Wuchaxian County Basebulak; Qimugen fm, bottom of the upper member.
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