Amphorulacysta metaelliptica

Data plotted here is from DINOSTRAT, available via Zenodo: DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7791273. Please cite Bijl, 2022 when using this data.

Plots are based on the following information

Location Taxon Source Calibration Age (Ma) Paleolatitude
534 Amphorulacysta metaelliptica Habib and Drugg, 1983 0.5 in mag_M15n 137.84127482268542 23.93264395805497
534 Amphorulacysta metaelliptica Habib and Drugg, 1983 0.5 in mag_M17n 140.34112072798865 23.316827751332728
603 Amphorulacysta metaelliptica Habib and Drugg, 1987 0.5 in mag_M15n 137.84127482268542 30.51171756743293
603 Amphorulacysta metaelliptica Habib and Drugg, 1987 0.75 in mag_M16r 139.78578736337883 30.057843592093665
Rio Argos Amphorulacysta metaelliptica Leereveld, 1997b 0 in amm_t_Saynoceras verrucosum 135.4 23.719215178167037
Broyon Amphorulacysta metaelliptica Monteil, 1992 0.8 in amm_t_Protacanth andraeai 143.85 31.480693833333333
Angles Amphorulacysta metaelliptica Monteil, 1993 0.3 in stage_Berriassian 141.48 26.555199999999996
Berrias Amphorulacysta metaelliptica Monteil, 1993 0.55 in amm_t_Fauriella boissieri 139.128 31.124785565714287
Czestochowa Amphorulacysta metaelliptica Poulsen, 1998 0.5 in amm_t_Hecticoceras retrocostatum 165.66500000000002 41.85360086666667



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