Bosedinia laevigata ssp. minor
From Fensome et al., 2019:
Bosedinia laevigata subsp minor (He Chengquan, 1991, p.173, pl.6, fig.19) He Chengquan et al., 2009, p.459. Holotype: He
Chengquan, 1991, pl.6, fig.19. Originally Bosedinia minor, subsequently (and now) Bosedinia laevigata
subsp. minor. Taxonomic junior synonym: Bosedinia laevigata var. minuta, according to He Chengquan et
al. (2009, p.459). Although Bosedinia laevigata var. minuta was the first infraspecific taxon in Bosedinia
laevigata, it was at variety rather than subspecific rank. At subspecific rank, the epithet minor has priority
Age: Early Eocene.
Description: [He Chengquan, 1991]: (translated by Suning Hou, 07-01-2019):
Cyst is small, oval.
Wall thin, the surface is smooth or rough, with wrinkles.
Archeopyle big, close to or at the widest part of the cyst, may be sub-upper cyst type, the edge is straight without incision. Operculum preserved in-situ.
The cyst diameter 35 μm.
Bosedinia laevigata subsp minor (He Chengquan, 1991, p.173, pl.6, fig.19) He Chengquan et al., 2009, p.459. Holotype: He
Chengquan, 1991, pl.6, fig.19. Originally Bosedinia minor, subsequently (and now) Bosedinia laevigata
subsp. minor. Taxonomic junior synonym: Bosedinia laevigata var. minuta, according to He Chengquan et
al. (2009, p.459). Although Bosedinia laevigata var. minuta was the first infraspecific taxon in Bosedinia
laevigata, it was at variety rather than subspecific rank. At subspecific rank, the epithet minor has priority
Age: Early Eocene.
Description: [He Chengquan, 1991]: (translated by Suning Hou, 07-01-2019):
Cyst is small, oval.
Wall thin, the surface is smooth or rough, with wrinkles.
Archeopyle big, close to or at the widest part of the cyst, may be sub-upper cyst type, the edge is straight without incision. Operculum preserved in-situ.
The cyst diameter 35 μm.