Callaiosphaeridium scabratum

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Callaiosphaeridium scabratum Khowaja-Ateequzzaman and Garg, 2004a, p.100,102, pl.1, figs.1–9. Holotype: Khowaja-Ateequzzaman
and Garg, 2004a, pl.1, figs.1–3. Age: early Turonian.


Original description: [Khowaja-Ateequzzaman and Garg, 2004a, p. 100, 102]:

(PI. I.1 - 9)

Holotype – Figs 1- 3, BSIP Museum Statement No. 1065, Slide No. 11504, coordinates 10.2 x 1525

Type Localily – Tappy, Trichinopoly, Cauvery Basin, Tamil Nadu, India.

Derivation of name – Named after the ornamentation on the endophragm.

Skolochorate cyst with six, tubular, distally open, short and broad paracinglilar processes; endophragm scabrate; parasutural crests between gonal processes attaining height equal to that of processes; paratabulation gonyaulacacean, 1',6", 6c, 5"', I p, I"", 1-2s. Archaeopyle epicystal.

Shape – Central body sllbspherical to ovoidal.
Wall Relationship – Cyst wall two layered, endophragm and periphragm appressed between processes. Periphragm alone forms processes and crests.
Wall Features – Periphragm thin, endophragm thicker than periphragm, scabrate. Sparsely placed grana occasionally occur especially along the paracingular region, at the surface area under the proximal ends of paracingular processes. Paracingular processes six, tubular, short (less than half the diameter of the cyst) and broad (length and width almost equal), distally open, flared with irregular margins, occasionally with few spines present on distal terminations. Epicyst and hypocyst areas bear parasutural ridges, extending between gonal processes, forming a hexagon and a pentagon respectively. Gonal processes solid, distally forked, connected by parasutural crests. Parasutural crest thin, attaining height equal to that of gonal processes, the maximum being at the distal extremities of the gonal processes following the forked extremities in the form of long aculei that are sometimes curved. Crest bearing a thickened row running along its distal margin.
Paratabulation – 1’, 6"", 6c, 5"', 1p, 1"",1-2s.
Archaeopyle – Epicystal

Dimensions: Body size – length 35-45 µm
width 28-32 µm.
Paracingular processes – length 12-16 µm
width 13-16 µm.

Callaiosphaeridium scabratum sp. nov. differs from Callaiosphaeridium asymmetricum (Deflandre & Courteville 1939) Davey & Williams 1966 and C. trycherum Duxbury 1980 in wall ornamentation, shape and size of its paracingular processes and parasutural crest. The paracingular processes in Callaiosphaeridium scabratum are short and broad with irregular or entire distal margins whereas in Callaiosphaeridium asymmetricum and C. trycherum these are long, and distally flared with long spines at their distal margins.
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