Corrudinium otagoense

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Corrudinium otagoense Clowes and Wilson, 2006, p.402, figs.4D–I. Holotype: Clowes and Wilson, 2006, figs.4D–F. Age: Lutetian–early Priabonian.


Original description (Clowes and Wilson, 2006)
DERIVATION OF NAME: Named after Otago Province, the type area.
HOLOTYPE: Specimen L16337/SM4898, Fig. 4D-F; sample I43/f089, Burnside Formation, Puketeraki core (cf. Wilson & McMillan 1996, p. 15), Dunedin, New Zealand, grid ref. I43/26550313; upper Bortonian-Kaiatan Stage (Bartonian-Priabonian).
DESCRIPTION: Cysts of intermediate size, proximate, spherical, lacking horns; the episome and hyposome roughly equal in size. Cyst wall single layered; thick (c. 2 µm) and robust, so that the cysts are typically found either fully spherical or else fractured rather than distorted. Archeopyle precingular, type P (3 ), relatively large, pen
tagonal; operculum free. Processes lacking; ornament comprising prominent (up to 8 µm in height) parasutural and lower intratabular septa, with generally smooth crests. The paratabulation is apparently typical for the genus, though it is nearly impossible to discern among the multitude of folded septa. Paracingulum and parasulcus expressed by parasutural septa; parasulcus usually completely obscured by accessory ornament.
SIZE RANGE: Holotype 53 μm length × 50 μm breadth; range of 20 specimens 42 (53) 60 µm in maximum overall diameter.
DISTRIBUTION: Corrudinium otagoense occurs widely in the late Heretaungan-Kaiatan (Lutetian to early Priabonian) interval of New Zealand (Table 4).
REMARKS: Corrudinium otagoense differs from C. incompositum in being distinctly larger, more spherical, and more robust; it differs from C. incompositum and C. regulare in having higher parasutural and intratabular septa, the latter obscuring the paratabulation. The surface ornament is distinctly denser than that of C. eyrense.
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