Gillinia denticulata
Gillinia denticulata Slimani and Louwye, 2011, p.44,46,48, pl.2, figs.6–11.
Holotype: Slimani and Louwye, 2011, pl.2, figs.6–8.
Age: Campanian–Maastrichtian.
Original description (Slimani & Louwye, 2011):
Gillinia denticulata sp. nov. (Plate II, 6–11)
1951 Phanerodinium cf. fourmarieri; Lejeune-Carpentier, p. B313, fig. 8.
1983 Druggidium cf. fourmarieri Lejeune-Carpentier, 1951; LejeuneCarpentier and Sarjeant, pp. 3–4, pl. 6, fig. 1.
?1994 Gillinia? sp. A; Slimani, p. 17, pl. 7, figs. 12, 45–47.
?1995 Gillinia? Sp. A; Slimani, unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, pp. 198– 199, table 1–3, pl. 7, figs. 12, 45–46
?2000 Gillinia? sp. A; Slimani, tables 1–3.
In press Gillinia? sp. A; Slimani et al., table 1, figs. 8a1–a2
Holotype: Slide Meer 888 m, preparation 1, EF D36 (Plate II, 6–8).
Repository: Botanical collection of the National Herbarium (RAB), Scientific Institute, Mohammed V-Agdal University, Rabat, Morocco.
Type locality: Meer (Antwerp province, northern Belgium), well no. 007E0205 of the Geological Survey of Belgium.
Stratigraphic horizon: Lower part of the Upper Maastrichtian, Meer 888 m borehole depth.
Etymology: Latin, denticulus, dimunitive of dens, tooth, with reference to the denticulate crests.
Diagnosis: A species of Gillinia with a pear-shaped central body outline and denticulate sutural crests. The tabulation is present on the dorsal surface, and is indicated by denticulate crests, which may be variable in height. The cyst is dorsally divided into a hypocyst and a cingulum, the epicyst is undivided. The ventral surface does not have crests.
Description: The small dinoflagellate cyst is dorsoventrally slightly compressed and has a pear-shaped central body outline. Furthermore it bears one small subspherical pericoel or low funnel-shaped pericoel on each lateral side of its anterior part. The hypocyst length is about 2/3 of the total cyst length, the rest is mostly occupied by the cingulum and two lateral vesicles. The cyst wall is composed of two layers, a smooth endophragm with a maximum thickness of 1 μm and a smooth, hyaline and thin periphragm with a maximum thickness of 0.5 μm. Both layers are separated at both lateral sides of the anterior part of the cyst, and form the two lateral pericoels. The layers are elsewhere closely adpressed. The dorsal surface of the cyst is convex and is supported by denticulate crests, which indicate the tabulation. The ventral surface is flat and shows no indication of tabulation. Four postcingular plates (2″′–5″′) and an unsegmented cingulum (up to 6 μm width) are indicated on the dorsal surface, the antapical 1″″ and posterior intercalary 1p are not delimited by crests. The sulcal area and other adjacent plates are undifferentiated. The low crests are present on the dorsal surface, where the endo- and periphragm are adpressed, while the high crests are generally present at the lateral margins. They are often inclined towards the ventral surface. Elongate gonal spines may be present. An archeopyle is occasionally observed as a small apical opening at the apex.
Discussion: Gillinia denticulata sp. nov. differs from Gillinia hymenophora Cookson and Eisenack, 1960 by its denticulate crests and its pear-shaped rather than subcircular to ovoidal central body outline. It differs from Gillinia pyriformis Marshall, 1990, which has also a pearshaped central body outline, by its denticulate crests. The new species is conspecific with Gillinia? sp. A of Slimani et al. (1994, 1995, 2000) and Slimani et al. (2011) and maybe with Phanerodinium cf. fourmarieri of Lejeune-Carpentier (1951). Phanerodinium sp. of Foucher (1974, p. 33, pl. 8, figs. 1–2) also resembles the new species but differs by its granulated surface. Phanerodinium? turnhoutensis Slimani, 1994 resembles the new species because of the shape of its central body, but differs in having a rectangular pericoel with a rectangular opening (?precingular archeopyle), elongated transversally on the epicyst rather than two lateral, subspherical pericoels.
Dimensions: Holotype maximal length 25 μm, hypocyst width 25 μm, maximal width (including lateral pericoels), 30 μm. Range: overall length 20(22)25 μm, maximal hypocyst width 20(23)26 μm, overall width (including lateral pericoels) 30(30.6)34 μm. Number of specimens measured: 10
Stratigraphic occurrence: Maastrichtian of Hainaut (southwestern Belgium) (Lejeune-Carpentier, 1951; Lejeune-Carpentier and Sarjeant, 1983); Lower–Upper Campanian of Hallembaye and Beutenaken
Holotype: Slimani and Louwye, 2011, pl.2, figs.6–8.
Age: Campanian–Maastrichtian.
Original description (Slimani & Louwye, 2011):
Gillinia denticulata sp. nov. (Plate II, 6–11)
1951 Phanerodinium cf. fourmarieri; Lejeune-Carpentier, p. B313, fig. 8.
1983 Druggidium cf. fourmarieri Lejeune-Carpentier, 1951; LejeuneCarpentier and Sarjeant, pp. 3–4, pl. 6, fig. 1.
?1994 Gillinia? sp. A; Slimani, p. 17, pl. 7, figs. 12, 45–47.
?1995 Gillinia? Sp. A; Slimani, unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, pp. 198– 199, table 1–3, pl. 7, figs. 12, 45–46
?2000 Gillinia? sp. A; Slimani, tables 1–3.
In press Gillinia? sp. A; Slimani et al., table 1, figs. 8a1–a2
Holotype: Slide Meer 888 m, preparation 1, EF D36 (Plate II, 6–8).
Repository: Botanical collection of the National Herbarium (RAB), Scientific Institute, Mohammed V-Agdal University, Rabat, Morocco.
Type locality: Meer (Antwerp province, northern Belgium), well no. 007E0205 of the Geological Survey of Belgium.
Stratigraphic horizon: Lower part of the Upper Maastrichtian, Meer 888 m borehole depth.
Etymology: Latin, denticulus, dimunitive of dens, tooth, with reference to the denticulate crests.
Diagnosis: A species of Gillinia with a pear-shaped central body outline and denticulate sutural crests. The tabulation is present on the dorsal surface, and is indicated by denticulate crests, which may be variable in height. The cyst is dorsally divided into a hypocyst and a cingulum, the epicyst is undivided. The ventral surface does not have crests.
Description: The small dinoflagellate cyst is dorsoventrally slightly compressed and has a pear-shaped central body outline. Furthermore it bears one small subspherical pericoel or low funnel-shaped pericoel on each lateral side of its anterior part. The hypocyst length is about 2/3 of the total cyst length, the rest is mostly occupied by the cingulum and two lateral vesicles. The cyst wall is composed of two layers, a smooth endophragm with a maximum thickness of 1 μm and a smooth, hyaline and thin periphragm with a maximum thickness of 0.5 μm. Both layers are separated at both lateral sides of the anterior part of the cyst, and form the two lateral pericoels. The layers are elsewhere closely adpressed. The dorsal surface of the cyst is convex and is supported by denticulate crests, which indicate the tabulation. The ventral surface is flat and shows no indication of tabulation. Four postcingular plates (2″′–5″′) and an unsegmented cingulum (up to 6 μm width) are indicated on the dorsal surface, the antapical 1″″ and posterior intercalary 1p are not delimited by crests. The sulcal area and other adjacent plates are undifferentiated. The low crests are present on the dorsal surface, where the endo- and periphragm are adpressed, while the high crests are generally present at the lateral margins. They are often inclined towards the ventral surface. Elongate gonal spines may be present. An archeopyle is occasionally observed as a small apical opening at the apex.
Discussion: Gillinia denticulata sp. nov. differs from Gillinia hymenophora Cookson and Eisenack, 1960 by its denticulate crests and its pear-shaped rather than subcircular to ovoidal central body outline. It differs from Gillinia pyriformis Marshall, 1990, which has also a pearshaped central body outline, by its denticulate crests. The new species is conspecific with Gillinia? sp. A of Slimani et al. (1994, 1995, 2000) and Slimani et al. (2011) and maybe with Phanerodinium cf. fourmarieri of Lejeune-Carpentier (1951). Phanerodinium sp. of Foucher (1974, p. 33, pl. 8, figs. 1–2) also resembles the new species but differs by its granulated surface. Phanerodinium? turnhoutensis Slimani, 1994 resembles the new species because of the shape of its central body, but differs in having a rectangular pericoel with a rectangular opening (?precingular archeopyle), elongated transversally on the epicyst rather than two lateral, subspherical pericoels.
Dimensions: Holotype maximal length 25 μm, hypocyst width 25 μm, maximal width (including lateral pericoels), 30 μm. Range: overall length 20(22)25 μm, maximal hypocyst width 20(23)26 μm, overall width (including lateral pericoels) 30(30.6)34 μm. Number of specimens measured: 10
Stratigraphic occurrence: Maastrichtian of Hainaut (southwestern Belgium) (Lejeune-Carpentier, 1951; Lejeune-Carpentier and Sarjeant, 1983); Lower–Upper Campanian of Hallembaye and Beutenaken