From Fensome et al., 2019:
"Hystrichosphaera", Wetzel, 1933b, p.33 ex Deflandre, 1937b, p.61.
Emendation: Davey and Williams, 1966a, p.29.
Taxonomic senior synonym: Spiniferites, according to Sarjeant (1970, p.75).
Taxonomic junior synonym: Hystrichokibotium, according to Gocht (1969, p.32).
The name Hystrichosphaera was not validly published in Wetzel (1932, p.136; 1933b, p.33), since no type was designated -- this contravened the ICZN (Article 13b), which is in effect in this case since Wetzel treated his microfossils as "protozoans" and used zoological classification. Deflandre (1937b) considered that he was emending Hystrichosphaera.
Type: not designated; "type species" -- Hystrichosphaera furcata, designated by Deflandre (1937b, p.61).
Original description: [Wetzel, 1933]:
Subsphaerical shells with spiny processes as are characteristic for the family, but without metamere division of the body and without outer membrane or grid structures.
Emended description:
Davey and Williams, 1966:
Chorate to proximochorate cysts possessing a subsphaerical or ovoidal central body with a clearly defined reflected tabulation of 3-4`, 6``, 6c, 5```, 0-1, 1````, plate 6`` being generally reduced and triangular. Wall of central body composed of two layers, an inner endophragm and an outer periphragm. Cingulum always disposed in a laevo-rotary spiral. Plate boundaries indicated by variably developed sutural crests and membranes, and gonal and sutural processes. Processes open or closed, solid or hollow, simple or branching. Length of processes variable, sometimes not extending beyond sutural crests, apical pole often marked by an elongate process.
Archaeopyle precingular, formed by loss of the reflected plate 3``.
"Hystrichosphaera", Wetzel, 1933b, p.33 ex Deflandre, 1937b, p.61.
Emendation: Davey and Williams, 1966a, p.29.
Taxonomic senior synonym: Spiniferites, according to Sarjeant (1970, p.75).
Taxonomic junior synonym: Hystrichokibotium, according to Gocht (1969, p.32).
The name Hystrichosphaera was not validly published in Wetzel (1932, p.136; 1933b, p.33), since no type was designated -- this contravened the ICZN (Article 13b), which is in effect in this case since Wetzel treated his microfossils as "protozoans" and used zoological classification. Deflandre (1937b) considered that he was emending Hystrichosphaera.
Type: not designated; "type species" -- Hystrichosphaera furcata, designated by Deflandre (1937b, p.61).
Original description: [Wetzel, 1933]:
Subsphaerical shells with spiny processes as are characteristic for the family, but without metamere division of the body and without outer membrane or grid structures.
Emended description:
Davey and Williams, 1966:
Chorate to proximochorate cysts possessing a subsphaerical or ovoidal central body with a clearly defined reflected tabulation of 3-4`, 6``, 6c, 5```, 0-1, 1````, plate 6`` being generally reduced and triangular. Wall of central body composed of two layers, an inner endophragm and an outer periphragm. Cingulum always disposed in a laevo-rotary spiral. Plate boundaries indicated by variably developed sutural crests and membranes, and gonal and sutural processes. Processes open or closed, solid or hollow, simple or branching. Length of processes variable, sometimes not extending beyond sutural crests, apical pole often marked by an elongate process.
Archaeopyle precingular, formed by loss of the reflected plate 3``.