
From Fensome et al., 2019:

Leipokatium, Bradford, 1975, p.3066.
Harland and Reid in Harland et al. (1980, p.223) contended that this name was not validly published in Bradford (1975) since that author did not provide a Latin description. However, it is based on a fossil type and thus does not require a Latin description in order to be validly published.
Type: Bradford, 1975, fig.8, as Leipokatium invisitatum.


Original description: [Bradford, 1975]:

Proximate cysts, with large epitract, domed or conical in shape; circular in polar view with slight sulcal depression. Epitract and hypotract both present but with a pronounced asymmetry. Cingulum located at broadest point of the phragma. Hypotract very small. Two antapical horns characteristically present, but variable in size.
Archeopyle anterior intercalary.
Processes absent.
Tabulation poorly marked or absent.
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