From Fensome et al., 2019:
Batioladinium, Brideaux, 1975, p.1241.
Emendation: Pourtoy, 1988, p.390 -- however, see Lentin and Vozzhennikova (1990, p.82) and Riding and Helby (2001g, p.187).
Taxonomic senior synonym: Imbatodinium, according to Dörhöfer and Davies (1980, p.36) -- however, Lentin and Williams (1985, p.35) retained
Taxonomic junior synonym: Necrobroomea, according to Brideaux (1977, p.10).
With respect to the synonymy of Necrobroomea and Batioladinium, Below (1990, p.52) considered Necrobroomea to be the senior name. However, Fensome et al. (1993b, p.78) gave the following statement: "Below (1990, p.52) listed Batioladinium Brideaux 1975 as a taxonomic junior synonym of Necrobroomea Wiggins 1975 rather than the reverse, as is customarily the case. Below stated that '... the genus Necrobroomea Wiggins (publication date 25 April 1975 in Geoscience and Man, volume 11) has priority over Batioladinium Brideaux 1975 (publication date 15 June 1975 in the Canadian Journal of Botany, volume 53(12)!' [translation]. However, Below was clearly unaware that Brideaux (1977, p.10) stated that 'Necrobroomea Wiggins, 1975 appeared in Geoscience and Man, v.11, the date of publication being given as April 25th, 1975. However, in a letter to the writer, acting editor, Ruth B. Hubert, established that no copies of this volume were available to the public before July 23rd, 1975, and that there was no prior distribution of the volume.' On the basis of this evidence and the observation that the Canadian Journal of Botany v.53, no.12 did appear in June 1975 (W.W. Brideaux, personal communication to R.A.F.), Necrobroomea
must be considered junior to Batioladinium if these two taxa are considered congeneric."
Type: Alberti, 1961, pl.5, fig.2, as Broomea jaegeri.
Original description: [Brideaux, 1975]:
Autoblast somewhat dorsoventrally flattened; laterally gently convex; elongate in the longitudinal axis, the length always greater than the width; one apical horn, of variable length, and two antapical horns of equal or unequal length. Autoblast structure simple, the autophragm surface smooth, scabrate, or with variable but minor ornamentation.
Archeopyle apical, Type A of Evitt (1967), with distinct ventral sulcal notch; operculum simple free, formed of the four apical paraplates and including the apical horn.
Paracingulum indistinct, parasulcus indicated only by presence of sulcal notch. Other evidence of paratabulation is lacking.
Modified descriptions:
Stover and Evitt 1978, p. 21:
Cysts proximate, autophragm compressed, elongate ellipsoidal, with an ellipsoidal to ovoidal body having an apical and generally two antapical horns; typically with deep parasulcal notch.
Shape: Compressed elongate, ellipsoidal to ovoidal, with a single apical and generally two antapical horns; horns short to long, and apical horn longer than antapical horns.
Wall relationships: Autophragm only.
Wall features: No parasutural features. Autophragm smooth or variously ornamented with features of low relief.
Paratabulation: Indicated by archeopyle only.
Archeopyle: Apical; principal archeopyle suture angular, closer to apex dorsally than ventrally, typically with deep parasulcal notch; operculum free.
Paracingulum: Generally not indicated.
Parasulcus: Not indicated.
Size: Intermediate to large.
Batioladinium differs from Odontochitina in having an autophragm only, rather than an endophragm and a periphragm. It differs from Broomea and Pareodinia in possessing an apical, not an intercalary, archeopyle.
Emended description:
Pourtoy, 1988: (Translation: Fensome et al., 1991, p. 75-76):
The only difference from the original diagnosis concerns the presence of an apical and two antapical horns which is considered a variable character. This expansion of the original definition of the genus Batioladinium allows for the assignment to it of forms such as Batioladinium varigranosum (Duxbury, 1977) Davey, 1982 which are generally devoid of apical and antapical horns.
Below, 1990, p.52-53: ( Translation Below, 1990: LPP)
Affinities: (discussion on Necrobroomea)
(annotated) comparison on the basis of SEM studies.
For species with an appearance similar of Necrobroomea Wiggins 1975, emend. Below 1990, the following genera have been erected in literature:
- Imbatodinim Vozzhennikova 1967, emend. Dörhöfer and Davies 1980
- Necrobroomea Wiggins 1975
- Batioladinium Brideaux 1975
- Aprobolocysta Duxbury 1977, emend. Duxbury 1980
Necrobroomea (publ. 25-4-1975) has priority over Batioladinium (publ.
The position of Imbatodinium has been unclear. Vozzhennikova 1967 describes for Imbatodinium, with type-species I.kondratjevii, an apical archaeopyle. Wiggins 1975, Lentin & Williams 1977 and Stover & Evitt 1978 agree that, from the original photomicrograph, Imbatodinium has an intercalary archaeopyle, and is a synonym of Pareodinia Defl. 1947. Davey 1982 argues that I. kondratjevii has a distinct paracingulum, contrary to Pareodinia, and that the archaeopyle is subject to discussion. Dörhöfer and Davies 1980 emended Imbatodinium and assigned it a 4A2I archaeopyle, and synonymized it with both Batioladinium and Necrobroomea.
Below`s 1990 material shows that I.kondratjevii and Pareodinia have an intercalary archaeopyle: 1a[s]+2a[s].
Below`s 1990 conclusions:
- Necrobroomea with its apical archaeopyle is valid,
- Necrobroomea has priority over Batioladinium (jr. synonym),
- Necrobroomea is synonymous with Aprobolocysta, being a cavate form of Necrobroomea,
- Necrobroomea is synonymous to Mehrota and Sarjeant`s 1984 emendation of Imbatodinium, which disregards the holotype of I.kondratjevii (discussion in Lentin and Williams 1985).
Fensome et al., 1991, p. 76-77:
A compilation of discussions by authors up to 1988 is given. Concerning the synonymy of Batioladinium and Necrobroomea, the authors conclude that, on the basis of unpublished information, the effective date of publication (the actual availability of the publications in question) of Batioladinium was prior to that of Necrobroomea. This is in contrast with Below`s (1990) conclusions.
Lentin and Williams, 1993, p. 57-58:
Since Below, 1990, included both Aprobolocysta Duxbury, 1977, and Batioladinium in synonymy with necrobroomea, Aprobolcysta is presumably a tax. jr. synonym of Batioladinium. However, we follow the emendation of Aprobolocysta by Pourtoy, 1988, and retain it as as separate genus.
Heilmann-Clausen and Thomsen 1995, p. 290:
BELOW (1990) considered Batioladinium BRIDEAUX, 1975 to be a junior synonym of Necrobroomea WIGGINS, 1975. The name Necrobroomea was published in the journal Geoscience and Man, vol. 11. The date of publication was given as April 25th, 1975. However BRIDEAUX (1977: 10) cited documentation, that the actual volume was not distributed before July 23rd, 1975. According to BRIDEAUX (i977) valid publication of the name Necrobroomea was thereby later than valid publication of Batioladinium. Batioladinium therefore has priority and Necrobroomea becomes a junior synonym.
G.L. Williams short notes on species, Mesozoic-Cenozoic dinocyst course, Urbino, Italy, May 17-22, 1999 - LPP VIEWER CD-ROM 99.5.
Batioladinium Brideaux, 1975, emend. Pourtoy, 1988. This genus has an apical archeopyle resulting from the loss of two Kofoid apical plates, the 2` and 3`. The first apical plate is exsert. Pourtoy (1988, p.390) emended the diagnosis to allow for forms with essentially no horns. According to the original diagnosis (Brideaux, 1975, p.1240-1241), the genus is characterized by having an elongate body and one apical and two antapical horns, the latter of equal or unequal length.
Batioladinium, Brideaux, 1975, p.1241.
Emendation: Pourtoy, 1988, p.390 -- however, see Lentin and Vozzhennikova (1990, p.82) and Riding and Helby (2001g, p.187).
Taxonomic senior synonym: Imbatodinium, according to Dörhöfer and Davies (1980, p.36) -- however, Lentin and Williams (1985, p.35) retained
Taxonomic junior synonym: Necrobroomea, according to Brideaux (1977, p.10).
With respect to the synonymy of Necrobroomea and Batioladinium, Below (1990, p.52) considered Necrobroomea to be the senior name. However, Fensome et al. (1993b, p.78) gave the following statement: "Below (1990, p.52) listed Batioladinium Brideaux 1975 as a taxonomic junior synonym of Necrobroomea Wiggins 1975 rather than the reverse, as is customarily the case. Below stated that '... the genus Necrobroomea Wiggins (publication date 25 April 1975 in Geoscience and Man, volume 11) has priority over Batioladinium Brideaux 1975 (publication date 15 June 1975 in the Canadian Journal of Botany, volume 53(12)!' [translation]. However, Below was clearly unaware that Brideaux (1977, p.10) stated that 'Necrobroomea Wiggins, 1975 appeared in Geoscience and Man, v.11, the date of publication being given as April 25th, 1975. However, in a letter to the writer, acting editor, Ruth B. Hubert, established that no copies of this volume were available to the public before July 23rd, 1975, and that there was no prior distribution of the volume.' On the basis of this evidence and the observation that the Canadian Journal of Botany v.53, no.12 did appear in June 1975 (W.W. Brideaux, personal communication to R.A.F.), Necrobroomea
must be considered junior to Batioladinium if these two taxa are considered congeneric."
Type: Alberti, 1961, pl.5, fig.2, as Broomea jaegeri.
Original description: [Brideaux, 1975]:
Autoblast somewhat dorsoventrally flattened; laterally gently convex; elongate in the longitudinal axis, the length always greater than the width; one apical horn, of variable length, and two antapical horns of equal or unequal length. Autoblast structure simple, the autophragm surface smooth, scabrate, or with variable but minor ornamentation.
Archeopyle apical, Type A of Evitt (1967), with distinct ventral sulcal notch; operculum simple free, formed of the four apical paraplates and including the apical horn.
Paracingulum indistinct, parasulcus indicated only by presence of sulcal notch. Other evidence of paratabulation is lacking.
Modified descriptions:
Stover and Evitt 1978, p. 21:
Cysts proximate, autophragm compressed, elongate ellipsoidal, with an ellipsoidal to ovoidal body having an apical and generally two antapical horns; typically with deep parasulcal notch.
Shape: Compressed elongate, ellipsoidal to ovoidal, with a single apical and generally two antapical horns; horns short to long, and apical horn longer than antapical horns.
Wall relationships: Autophragm only.
Wall features: No parasutural features. Autophragm smooth or variously ornamented with features of low relief.
Paratabulation: Indicated by archeopyle only.
Archeopyle: Apical; principal archeopyle suture angular, closer to apex dorsally than ventrally, typically with deep parasulcal notch; operculum free.
Paracingulum: Generally not indicated.
Parasulcus: Not indicated.
Size: Intermediate to large.
Batioladinium differs from Odontochitina in having an autophragm only, rather than an endophragm and a periphragm. It differs from Broomea and Pareodinia in possessing an apical, not an intercalary, archeopyle.
Emended description:
Pourtoy, 1988: (Translation: Fensome et al., 1991, p. 75-76):
The only difference from the original diagnosis concerns the presence of an apical and two antapical horns which is considered a variable character. This expansion of the original definition of the genus Batioladinium allows for the assignment to it of forms such as Batioladinium varigranosum (Duxbury, 1977) Davey, 1982 which are generally devoid of apical and antapical horns.
Below, 1990, p.52-53: ( Translation Below, 1990: LPP)
Affinities: (discussion on Necrobroomea)
(annotated) comparison on the basis of SEM studies.
For species with an appearance similar of Necrobroomea Wiggins 1975, emend. Below 1990, the following genera have been erected in literature:
- Imbatodinim Vozzhennikova 1967, emend. Dörhöfer and Davies 1980
- Necrobroomea Wiggins 1975
- Batioladinium Brideaux 1975
- Aprobolocysta Duxbury 1977, emend. Duxbury 1980
Necrobroomea (publ. 25-4-1975) has priority over Batioladinium (publ.
The position of Imbatodinium has been unclear. Vozzhennikova 1967 describes for Imbatodinium, with type-species I.kondratjevii, an apical archaeopyle. Wiggins 1975, Lentin & Williams 1977 and Stover & Evitt 1978 agree that, from the original photomicrograph, Imbatodinium has an intercalary archaeopyle, and is a synonym of Pareodinia Defl. 1947. Davey 1982 argues that I. kondratjevii has a distinct paracingulum, contrary to Pareodinia, and that the archaeopyle is subject to discussion. Dörhöfer and Davies 1980 emended Imbatodinium and assigned it a 4A2I archaeopyle, and synonymized it with both Batioladinium and Necrobroomea.
Below`s 1990 material shows that I.kondratjevii and Pareodinia have an intercalary archaeopyle: 1a[s]+2a[s].
Below`s 1990 conclusions:
- Necrobroomea with its apical archaeopyle is valid,
- Necrobroomea has priority over Batioladinium (jr. synonym),
- Necrobroomea is synonymous with Aprobolocysta, being a cavate form of Necrobroomea,
- Necrobroomea is synonymous to Mehrota and Sarjeant`s 1984 emendation of Imbatodinium, which disregards the holotype of I.kondratjevii (discussion in Lentin and Williams 1985).
Fensome et al., 1991, p. 76-77:
A compilation of discussions by authors up to 1988 is given. Concerning the synonymy of Batioladinium and Necrobroomea, the authors conclude that, on the basis of unpublished information, the effective date of publication (the actual availability of the publications in question) of Batioladinium was prior to that of Necrobroomea. This is in contrast with Below`s (1990) conclusions.
Lentin and Williams, 1993, p. 57-58:
Since Below, 1990, included both Aprobolocysta Duxbury, 1977, and Batioladinium in synonymy with necrobroomea, Aprobolcysta is presumably a tax. jr. synonym of Batioladinium. However, we follow the emendation of Aprobolocysta by Pourtoy, 1988, and retain it as as separate genus.
Heilmann-Clausen and Thomsen 1995, p. 290:
BELOW (1990) considered Batioladinium BRIDEAUX, 1975 to be a junior synonym of Necrobroomea WIGGINS, 1975. The name Necrobroomea was published in the journal Geoscience and Man, vol. 11. The date of publication was given as April 25th, 1975. However BRIDEAUX (1977: 10) cited documentation, that the actual volume was not distributed before July 23rd, 1975. According to BRIDEAUX (i977) valid publication of the name Necrobroomea was thereby later than valid publication of Batioladinium. Batioladinium therefore has priority and Necrobroomea becomes a junior synonym.
G.L. Williams short notes on species, Mesozoic-Cenozoic dinocyst course, Urbino, Italy, May 17-22, 1999 - LPP VIEWER CD-ROM 99.5.
Batioladinium Brideaux, 1975, emend. Pourtoy, 1988. This genus has an apical archeopyle resulting from the loss of two Kofoid apical plates, the 2` and 3`. The first apical plate is exsert. Pourtoy (1988, p.390) emended the diagnosis to allow for forms with essentially no horns. According to the original diagnosis (Brideaux, 1975, p.1240-1241), the genus is characterized by having an elongate body and one apical and two antapical horns, the latter of equal or unequal length.