
From Fensome et al., 2019:

"Paraireiana", He Chengquan, 1984a, p.768–769,772–773.
Taxonomic senior synonym: Carpatella, according to Chen et al. (1988, p.21).
Type: He Chengquan, 1984a, pl.1, fig.8, as Paraireiana sinensis.


Original description: [He Cheng-quan, 1984]: (Translation: Chen et al., 1988, p. 21):

Cysts proximate. Body subspherical with single apical and antapical horns, without processes, usually lacking cingulum. Surface smooth or with features of low relief (such as granula, rugae and arched ridges). Paratabulation indicated only by archaeopyle.
Archaeopyle precingular, Type P (3" only). Operculum free.


Chen et al., 1988, p.21:
The description of Paraireiana He Cheng-quan 1984a is compatible with that of Carpatella Grigorovich, 1969, as presented in Stover and Evitt, 1978. Therefore, we propose the suppression of Paraireiana He Cheng-quan 1984.

GSC: (GSC provisional translation: courtesy R. Fensome):
Cysts proximate. Body subspherical, with single apical [horn] and antapical horns (convex). No tabulation or processes. Cingulum normally lacking. Surface of test wall smooth or with low-relief ornamentation such as granules and ridges. Archaeopyle precingular; type P.

Affinities/Comparison: Morphologically, the new genus is very similar to Aireiana, but the two are easily distinguished by the lack of processes in the former and the presence of intratabular processes in the latter.
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