Data plotted here is from DINOSTRAT, available via Zenodo: DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7791273. Please cite Bijl, 2022 when using this data.
Plots are based on the following information
Plots are based on the following information
Location | Genus | Species | Subspecies | Source | Calibration | FO/LO | Age | pal/lat |
Arctic Basin | Meiourogonyaulax | planoseptata | Bujak et al., 2022 | 0 in amm_b_Proplanulites koenigi | FO | 164.6 | 73.21211285714286 | |
Arctic Basin | Meiourogonyaulax | valensii | Bujak et al., 2022 | 0 in amm_b_Kosmoceras jason | FO | 163.47 | 73.32359542857142 | |
Arctic Basin | Meiourogonyaulax | planoseptata | Bujak et al., 2022 | 0 in amm_b_Quenstedtoceras mariae | LO | 161.53 | 73.51499028571428 | |
Arctic Basin | Meiourogonyaulax | deflandrei | Bujak et al., 2022 | 0 in amm_b_Pictonia baylei | LO | 154.78 | 73.0867148 | |
North Sea Compilation | Meiourogonyaulax | stoveri | Costa and Davey, 1992 | 0 in amm_b_Endemoceras amblygonium | FO | 132.6 | 39.42452866666667 | |
North Sea Compilation | Meiourogonyaulax | stoveri | Costa and Davey, 1992 | 1 in amm_b_Leymeriella tardefurcata | LO | 110.87 | 44.412710884999996 | |
North Sea Compilation | Meiourogonyaulax | reticulata | Riding and Thomas, 1992 | 1 in amm_b_Clydoniceras discus | LO | 165.29 | 39.94693105 | |
North Sea Compilation | Meiourogonyaulax | valensii | Riding and Thomas, 1992 | 0 in amm_b_Leioceras opalinum | FO | 174.7 | 40.6696609 | |
North Sea Compilation | Meiourogonyaulax | reticulata | Riding and Thomas, 1992 | 0 in amm_b_Procerites hodsoni | FO | 166.04 | 39.9242398 | |
North Sea Compilation | Meiourogonyaulax | caytonensis | Riding and Thomas, 1992 | 0 in amm_b_Stephanoceras humphriesianum | FO | 170.09 | 39.801707050000005 | |
North Sea Compilation | Meiourogonyaulax | valensii | Riding and Thomas, 1992 | 0.67 in amm_b_Zigzagiceras zigzag | LO | 167.36599999999999 | 39.884121670000006 | |
Vallentigny | Meiourogonyaulax | stoveri | Davey and Verdier, 1971 | 0.5 in amm_b_Anahoplites intermedius | LO | 108.905 | 40.16182016 | |
361 | Meiourogonyaulax | bulloidea | Davey, 1978 | 0.55 in nan_c_NC6b | LO | 119.90149754031069 | -42.22345503884299 | |
361 | Meiourogonyaulax | bulloidea | Davey, 1978 | 0.2 in nan_c_NC6b | FO | 120.29050118277455 | -42.173248087748256 | |
400A | Meiourogonyaulax | stoveri | Davey, 1979 | 0.33 in nan_u_BC22 | LO | 114.11991488054556 | 38.54779441394738 | |
400A | Meiourogonyaulax | psora | Davey, 1979 | 0.5 in nan_u_BC21 | LO | 116.70869989121962 | 37.69579074980107 | |
Haldager 1 | Meiourogonyaulax | bulloidea | Davey, 1982 | 1 in amm_b_Surites icenii | FO | 138.25 | 43.82946305555555 | |
Kandern | Meiourogonyaulax | deflandrei | Dimter and Smelror, 1990 | 0.8 in amm_b_Sigaloceras calloviense | FO | 163.55 | 37.3749897 | |
Calvados | Meiourogonyaulax | valensii | Feist-Burkhardt and Monteil, 1997 | 0.67 in amm_b_Parkinsonia parkinsoni | LO | 168.3515 | 35.983329945 | |
Calvados | Meiourogonyaulax | valensii | Feist-Burkhardt and Monteil, 1997 | 0.5 in amm_b_Stephanoceras humphriesianum | FO | 169.91500000000002 | 35.92021145 | |
Scotian Margin | Meiourogonyaulax | bulloidea | Williams et al., 1993 | 0 in stage_Aptian | LO | 121.4 | 37.61443509090909 | |
Scotian Margin | Meiourogonyaulax | deflandrei | Williams et al., 1993 | 0.15 in stage_Bathonian | FO | 167.738 | 29.009380922857144 | |
Scotian Margin | Meiourogonyaulax | bulloidea | Williams et al., 1993 | 0.4 in stage_Hauterivian | FO | 130.16 | 35.56944494545455 | |
Scotian Margin | Meiourogonyaulax | deflandrei | Williams et al., 1993 | 0.15 in stage_Oxfordian | LO | 160.5175 | 31.06756381785714 | |
765 | Meiourogonyaulax | stoveri | Helby and McMinn, 1992 | 0.2 in mag_C34n | LO | 113.50127111111112 | -50.764107510559995 | |
765 | Meiourogonyaulax | maculata | Helby and McMinn, 1992 | 0.8 in nan_n_CC3 | LO | 133.85468154484076 | -53.33822804039858 | |
Australia Synthesis | Meiourogonyaulax | reticulata | Helby et al., 1987 | 0.8 in stage_Berriassian | LO | 138.78 | -64.70852477777778 | |
Australia Synthesis | Meiourogonyaulax | diaphana | Helby et al., 1987 | 0.75 in stage_Tithonian | FO | 144.635 | -62.57102691666667 | |
Rio Argos | Meiourogonyaulax | amlasis | Leereveld, 1997a | 0.6 in amm_t_Lyticoceras nodosoplicatum | FO | 130.328 | 24.352142335408118 | |
Rio Argos | Meiourogonyaulax | bulloidea | Leereveld, 1997a | 0.5 in amm_t_Lyticoceras nodosoplicatum | FO | 130.425 | 24.340037853102835 | |
Rio Argos | Meiourogonyaulax | amlasis | Leereveld, 1997a | 1 in amm_t_Subsaynella sayni | LO | 128.82 | 24.688334766958512 | |
Rio Argos | Meiourogonyaulax | pertusa | Leereveld, 1997a | 1 in amm_t_Subsaynella sayni | LO | 128.82 | 24.688334766958512 | |
638B | Meiourogonyaulax | pertusa | Masure, 1988 | 0.25 in nan_n_CC3b | LO | 135.68340100058015 | 34.64027291536785 | |
638B | Meiourogonyaulax | stoveri | Masure, 1988 | 0.5 in nan_n_CC6 | LO | 123.47120286697606 | 34.82824294066548 | |
638B | Meiourogonyaulax | stoveri | Masure, 1988 | 0.9 in nan_n_CC4b | FO | 128.29879531728548 | 34.309509354438916 | |
Czestochowa | Meiourogonyaulax | spongiosa | Poulsen, 1998 | 0 in amm_t_Clydoniceras discus | LO | 165.5 | 41.83344666666667 | |
Czestochowa | Meiourogonyaulax | caytonensis | Poulsen, 1998 | 0.4 in amm_t_Parkinsonia parkinsoni | FO | 168.5 | 42.199886666666664 | |
Czestochowa | Meiourogonyaulax | valensii | Poulsen, 1998 | 0.8 in amm_t_Parkinsonia parkinsoni | LO | 168.28 | 42.1730144 | |
Czestochowa | Meiourogonyaulax | spongiosa | Poulsen, 1998 | 0.75 in amm_t_Procerites aurigerus | FO | 167.12 | 42.031324266666665 | |
nw Australia compilation | Meiourogonyaulax | penitabulata | Riding and Helby, 2001b | 0.65 in stage_Callovian | LO | 162.846 | -41.04614279571429 | |
nw Australia compilation | Meiourogonyaulax | penitabulata | Riding and Helby, 2001c | 0.55 in stage_Callovian | FO | 163.222 | -40.92181007 | |
nw Australia compilation | Meiourogonyaulax | bulloidea | Riding and Helby, 2001f | 0 in stage_Tithonian | FO | 149.24 | -47.3907684 | |
nw Australia compilation | Meiourogonyaulax | bulloidea | Riding and Helby, 2001f | 0.4 in stage_Valanginian | LO | 135.66 | -53.30381726666667 | |
Isle of Skye | Meiourogonyaulax | caytonensis | Riding and Thomas, 1997 | 0 in amm_b_Macrocephalites herveyi | FO | 165.29 | 43.0041961 | |
Isle of Skye | Meiourogonyaulax | planoseptata | Riding and Thomas, 1997 | 0 in amm_b_Macrocephalites herveyi | FO | 165.29 | 43.0041961 | |
Isle of Skye | Meiourogonyaulax | planoseptata | Riding and Thomas, 1997 | 0.9 in amm_b_Macrocephalites herveyi | LO | 164.66899999999998 | 43.07693521 | |
Isle of Skye | Meiourogonyaulax | reticulata | Riding and Thomas, 1997 | 0.25 in amm_b_Macrocephalites herveyi | FO | 165.1175 | 43.02440140833333 | |
Isle of Skye | Meiourogonyaulax | caytonensis | Riding and Thomas, 1997 | 0 in amm_b_Peltoceras athleta | LO | 162.91 | 43.28297078888889 | |
Isle of Skye | Meiourogonyaulax | reticulata | Riding and Thomas, 1997 | 0 in amm_b_Peltoceras athleta | LO | 162.91 | 43.28297078888889 | |
North Sea Coast | Meiourogonyaulax | borealis | Riley and Fenton, 1982 | 1 in amm_b_Erymnoceras coronatum | LO | 162.91 | 36.57895875 | |
North Sea Coast | Meiourogonyaulax | cristulata | Riley and Fenton, 1982 | 1 in amm_b_Erymnoceras coronatum | LO | 162.91 | 36.57895875 | |
Caucasus | Meiourogonyaulax | planoseptata | Smelror and Lominadze, 1989 | 0 in amm_t_Erymnoceras coronatum | FO | 163.3 | 37.5975 | |
Caucasus | Meiourogonyaulax | planoseptata | Smelror and Lominadze, 1989 | 1 in amm_b_Kosmoceras jason | LO | 163.3 | 37.5975 | |
Caucasus | Meiourogonyaulax | reticulata | Smelror and Lominadze, 1989 | 1 in amm_b_Kosmoceras jason | LO | 163.3 | 37.5975 | |
Caucasus | Meiourogonyaulax | spongiosa | Smelror and Lominadze, 1989 | 0 in amm_b_Kosmoceras jason | FO | 163.47 | 37.61025 | |
Caucasus | Meiourogonyaulax | spongiosa | Smelror and Lominadze, 1989 | 1 in amm_b_Kosmoceras jason | LO | 163.3 | 37.5975 | |
Caucasus | Meiourogonyaulax | bathonica | Smelror and Lominadze, 1989 | 1 in amm_b_Proplanulites koenigi | LO | 163.87 | 37.64025 | |
Caucasus | Meiourogonyaulax | callomonii | Smelror and Lominadze, 1989 | 1 in amm_b_Proplanulites koenigi | LO | 163.87 | 37.64025 | |
Figueira Da Foz | Meiourogonyaulax | spongiosa | Smelror et al., 1991 | 0.6 in amm_t_Bullatimorphites bullatus | FO | 164.924 | 31.090136284 | |
Figueira Da Foz | Meiourogonyaulax | valensii | Smelror et al., 1991 | 0.4 in amm_t_Bullatimorphites bullatus | FO | 165.046 | 31.077953486 | |
Milne Land | Meiourogonyaulax | callomonii | Smelror, 1988a | 1 in amm_b_Peltoceras athleta | LO | 162.45 | 50.7554714375 | |
Milne Land | Meiourogonyaulax | deflandrei | Smelror, 1988a | 0.6 in amm_b_Proplanulites koenigi | FO | 164.162 | 50.6173708175 | |
Milne Land | Meiourogonyaulax | deflandrei | Smelror, 1988a | 0.8 in amm_b_Proplanulites koenigi | LO | 164.016 | 50.62914809 | |
Milne Land | Meiourogonyaulax | callomonii | Smelror, 1988a | 0.5 in amm_b_Sigaloceras calloviense | FO | 163.67000000000002 | 50.6570586125 | |
Milne Land | Meiourogonyaulax | strongyla | Smelror, 1988a | 0 in amm_b_Sigaloceras calloviense | FO | 163.87 | 50.6409253625 | |
Milne Land | Meiourogonyaulax | strongyla | Smelror, 1988a | 0.25 in amm_b_Sigaloceras calloviense | LO | 163.77 | 50.6489919875 | |
Kong Karls Land | Meiourogonyaulax | caytonensis | Smelror, 1988b | 0 in amm_b_Cardioceras cordatum | LO | 159.66 | 67.1880117857143 | |
Kong Karls Land | Meiourogonyaulax | caytonensis | Smelror, 1988b | 0.75 between 0 amm_b_Macrocephalites herveyi 1 amm_b_Peltoceras athleta | FO | 163.16 | 66.75369928571429 | |
Barentz Sea | Meiourogonyaulax | planoseptata | Smelror, 1994 | 1 in stage_Bathonian | FO | 165.29 | 65.02230036428571 | |
Barentz Sea | Meiourogonyaulax | planoseptata | Smelror, 1994 | 0 in stage_Oxfordian | LO | 161.53 | 65.42403219285714 | |
Dorset-Yorkshire | Meiourogonyaulax | caytonensis | Woollam and Riding, 1983 | 0 in amm_b_Garantiana garantiana | FO | 169.27 | 38.1586258 | |
Dorset-Yorkshire | Meiourogonyaulax | valensii | Woollam and Riding, 1983 | 0 in amm_b_Garantiana garantiana | FO | 169.27 | 38.1586258 | |
North Sea Basin | Meiourogonyaulax | caytonensis | Copestake and Partington, 2023 | 1 in amm_b_Quenstedtoceras lamberti | LO | 161.53 | 43.250627685714285 | |
North Sea Basin | Meiourogonyaulax | valensii | Copestake and Partington, 2023 | 0 in amm_b_Procerites progracilis | LO | 166.97 | 43.03804802857143 | |
North Sea Basin | Meiourogonyaulax | valensii | Copestake and Partington, 2023 | 0.1 in amm_b_Stephanoceras humphriesianum | FO | 170.055 | 42.91749504285714 |