
From Fensome et al., 2019:

Senegalinium, Jain and Millepied, 1973, p.22–23.
Emendation: Stover and Evitt, 1978, p.122–123.
Taxonomic senior synonym: Deflandrea, according to Herngreen (1975, p.60–61) -- however, Lentin and Williams (1977b, p.144) retained Senegalinium.
Nomenclatural junior synonym: Alterbia, by implication in Lentin and Williams (1976, p.49), who illegitimately included the "type species" of the senior generic name Senegalinium, Senegalinium bicavatum, in Alterbia. See the discussion under Alterbia. Type: Jain and Millepied, 1973, pl.1,
figs.1–3, as Senegalinium bicavatum.


Original description: [Jain and Millepied, 1973]:

Bicavate dinoflagellate cysts, spheroidal or ovoidal to rounded pentagonal, no tabulation; transverse furrow present or absent, circular; sulcus present (restricted to hypotract). Inner body (capsule) well developed, dark in color, circular to rounded pentagonal in outline. Endophragm characteristically ornamented along pericoel areas. Periphragm smooth to ornamented, extending apically and antapically forming one apical and two antapical horns. Sometimes a third delicate layer enveloping periphragm also present.
Archeopyle well marked, trapezoidal, single plate, pentagonal to hexagonal, intercalary, below apical horn.

Emended description:

Stover and Evitt, 1978:

Synopsis: Cysts proximate, generally cornucavate; compressed peridinioid without equatorial protrusions, typically with an apical and two antapical horns; antapical horns about equal in length; epipericoel not in communication with exterior; paratabulation indicated by archeopyle only, or by archeopyle and paracingulum; hexa-style intercalary archeopyle, Type l/l or l/la; archeopyle index <0.5.

Shape: Compressed peridinioid, typically with an apical horn, with two antapical horns of approximately equal length, and without conspicuous protrusions in the paracingular area.
Wall relationships: Cysts generally cornucavate, rarely circumcavate; epipericoel not normally in communication with exterior.
Wall features: No parasutural features. Periphragm smooth to granulate, may be wrinkled into low longitudinal folds; endophragm smooth or faintly ornamented.
Paratabulation: Indicated by archeopyle only, or by archeopyle and paracingulum.
Archeopyle: Intercalary, Type I/I or l/la (2a only); archeopyle index 0.3 to 0.5, generally about 0.4; endoperculum free or attached antapicalIy.
Paracingulum: Not indicated, or more commonly expressed by low, transverse, equatorial folds or ridges.
Parasulcus: Generally not indicated, or expressed as a poorly delimited depression on the hypocyst.
Size: Small to large.

Senegalinium differs from Alterbia in possessing antapical horns of approximately equal length and an epipericoel that is not in communication with the exterior. Senegalinium lacks the wide style of intercalary archeopyle characteristic of Deflandrea.


G.L. Williams short notes on species, Mesozoic-Cenozoic dinocyst course, Urbino, Italy, May 17-22, 1999 - LPP VIEWER CD-ROM 99.5.

Senegalinium Jain and Millepied, 1973, emend. Stover and Evitt, 1978. Senegalinium was emended by Stover and Evitt (1978, p.122) as follows, Cysts proximate, generally cornucavate; compressed peridinioid without equatorial protrusions, typically with an apical and two antapical horns; antapical horns about equal in length; epipericoel not in communication with exterior; paratabulation indicated by archeopyle only, or by archeopyle and paracingulum; hexa-style intercalary archeopyle, type I/I or I/Ia; archeopyle index <0.5.
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