From Fensome et al., 2019:
"Barbatacysta", Courtinat, 1989, p.185.
Taxonomic senior synonym: Sentusidinium, according to Wood et al., 2016, p.79.
Type: Erkmen and Sarjeant, 1980, text-fig.2, as Sentusidinium creberbarbatum.
Original description: [Courtinat, 1989]: (Translation: LPP):
Subspherical to ovoidal apteate cyst, formed by an autophragm only. The ornamentation consists of processes, granulae or verrucae.
The processes have acuminate, capitate, bifurcate or foliate tips. The processes are conical, subconical, buccinate, tubular or evexate. The processes are intratabular but the groupings are separated by narrow, non-striate parasutural bands.
The paracingulum is indicated by groupings of processes, but the sulcus lacks or presents a very reduced ornamentation.
The archaeopyle is apical, type (tA); the accessory sutures present, moderately cut up the autophragm.
The operculum is free, multiplated.
The formula of the gonyalaoid type paratabulation is, following the Kofoid notation: 4`, 6``, 6c, 6```, 1p, 1pv, 1````; following the Taylor-Evitt notation: A-C, 1u, 2-6, 1i, au-fi, Iu-VI, X-Z.
Remark concerning the genera Barbatacysta, Lanterna, Pandadinium, Pilosidinium and Sentusidinium.
The principal characteristics which allow the distinction of these genera are given in fig. 81. On a phyletic level there is possibly a relation between these forms, because specimens with intermediate characteristics were encountered.
In the diagnoses, the term "apteate" has been used, defined by Dörhöfer and Davies (1980) and revised by Sarjeant (1982).
According to Sarjeant this term defines proximate or proximochorate cysts possessing nontabular or intratabular ornaments, excluding forms with gonal, intergonal or penitabular ornamentation. The term is used here for forms with intratabular, nontabular, penitabular and sutural elements.
(from fig. 81:)
- paracingular ornamentation: Lanterna, Barbatacysta
- pandasutural bands: Lanterna, Pandadinium, Barbatacysta
- nontabular ornamentation: Pilosidinium
- sutural ornamentation: Sentusidinium
- penitabular ornamentation: Lanterna, Pandadinium
- intratabular ornamentation: Lanterna, Pandadinium, Sentusidinium, Barbatacysta
- proximally interconnected ornamentation: Lanterna, Pandadinium, Sentusidinium (some species), Pilosidinium (some species)
- distally interconnected ornamentation: Lanterna, Sentusidinium (some species), Pilosidinium (some species).
"Barbatacysta", Courtinat, 1989, p.185.
Taxonomic senior synonym: Sentusidinium, according to Wood et al., 2016, p.79.
Type: Erkmen and Sarjeant, 1980, text-fig.2, as Sentusidinium creberbarbatum.
Original description: [Courtinat, 1989]: (Translation: LPP):
Subspherical to ovoidal apteate cyst, formed by an autophragm only. The ornamentation consists of processes, granulae or verrucae.
The processes have acuminate, capitate, bifurcate or foliate tips. The processes are conical, subconical, buccinate, tubular or evexate. The processes are intratabular but the groupings are separated by narrow, non-striate parasutural bands.
The paracingulum is indicated by groupings of processes, but the sulcus lacks or presents a very reduced ornamentation.
The archaeopyle is apical, type (tA); the accessory sutures present, moderately cut up the autophragm.
The operculum is free, multiplated.
The formula of the gonyalaoid type paratabulation is, following the Kofoid notation: 4`, 6``, 6c, 6```, 1p, 1pv, 1````; following the Taylor-Evitt notation: A-C, 1u, 2-6, 1i, au-fi, Iu-VI, X-Z.
Remark concerning the genera Barbatacysta, Lanterna, Pandadinium, Pilosidinium and Sentusidinium.
The principal characteristics which allow the distinction of these genera are given in fig. 81. On a phyletic level there is possibly a relation between these forms, because specimens with intermediate characteristics were encountered.
In the diagnoses, the term "apteate" has been used, defined by Dörhöfer and Davies (1980) and revised by Sarjeant (1982).
According to Sarjeant this term defines proximate or proximochorate cysts possessing nontabular or intratabular ornaments, excluding forms with gonal, intergonal or penitabular ornamentation. The term is used here for forms with intratabular, nontabular, penitabular and sutural elements.
(from fig. 81:)
- paracingular ornamentation: Lanterna, Barbatacysta
- pandasutural bands: Lanterna, Pandadinium, Barbatacysta
- nontabular ornamentation: Pilosidinium
- sutural ornamentation: Sentusidinium
- penitabular ornamentation: Lanterna, Pandadinium
- intratabular ornamentation: Lanterna, Pandadinium, Sentusidinium, Barbatacysta
- proximally interconnected ornamentation: Lanterna, Pandadinium, Sentusidinium (some species), Pilosidinium (some species)
- distally interconnected ornamentation: Lanterna, Sentusidinium (some species), Pilosidinium (some species).