
From Fensome et al., 2019:

Pandadinium, Courtinat, 1989, p.189.
Emendation: Dodekova, 1994, p.24. Type: Dodekova, 1969, pl.3, figs.2–3,5, as Lanterna spinosa.


Original description: [Courtinat, 1989]: (Translation: LPP)

Subspherical to ovoidal apteate cyst with an autophragm only. The gonyaulacacean type paratabulation is expressed by penitabular and intratabular ornamentation as well as narrow and non-striate pandastructures. The paracingulum and parasulcus do not contain any isolated process group. They are, however, indicated by adcingular alignments of ornaments. The ornaments, consisting of spines, verrucae or granulae, are proximally interconnected. The paratabulation is, following the Kofoid notation: 4`, ?a, 6``, 6c, 6```, 1p, 1pv, 1````, xs; following the Taylor-Evitt notation: A-C, 1u, 2-6, au-fi, Iu-VI, X-Z. the operculum is free, multiplated. The accessory sutures affect the operculum and the archaeopyle.

Emended description:

Dodekova, 1994:
Diagnosis: (based on the features of the type species L? spinosa):
Subspherical proximo-chorate cyst. The autophragm is covered with subcollical to buccinate processes, spines (till 6 um high), verrucae or granules. Some adjacent ones may coalesce proximally, rare distally. The tabulation is gonyaulacacean, with formula: 4`?, 0-la 6", 6c, 6`", lp, 1"", Xs (lps). It is indicated by united processes aligned on the sutures. Some plates have "double sutures". The cingulum is relatively narrow the sulcus is short. They are bordered by aligned processes, inside are finely sculptured, with granules, rare verrucae.
The Archeopyle is apical, type tA, the construction of the apex; unknown.
The emendation of the generic diagnosis includes as strongly marked features -the lack of pandasutural bands and lack of rectilinear groups of processes in the middle of the cingulum - features evident in the original description and on the figured scheme of Lanterna? spinosa (Dodekova, 1969, p. 17, fig. C).

Dodekova (1969, p. 16) described genus Lanterna with three species: L. bulgarica, L. sportula and L. spinosa. Stover & Evitt (1978, p. 59) reasonably noted that the species L. spinosa did not possess the typical features of the genus Lanterna pandasutural bands and six rectilinear groups of ornaments in the middle of the cingulum. Possible, the remarks of Stover & Evitt have been used for creation of the genus Pandadinium (Courtinat, 1989, p. 189) with type species Lanterna spinosa. The cysts illustrated by Courtinat (1989), pl. 17, fig. 3; pl. 23, fig. 21) did not possess the features of L? spinosa (the specimen on pl. 23, fig. 5 is not distinct). More probably these are specimens of L. bulgarica. Independently of contradiction with the name derivation of the genus Pandadinium (without pandasutural bands) I retain genus Pandadinium Courtinat, 1989 as created already genus. Stover & Evitt (1978, p. 39) refer the species Lanterna? pattei (Valensi, 1948) Brideaux & Fisher, 1976 and Lanterna? saturnalis Brideaux & Fisher, 1976 as "provisionally accepted species" to the genus Lanterna. Courtonat (1989, p. 189) includs the both species in the range of the genus Pandadinium. This opinion is not accepted here and the following taxonomic combination is proposed: Epiplosphaera saturnalis (Brideaux & Fisher 1976) comb. n. = Lanterna saturnnlis Brideaux & Fisher, 1976, p 24, pl 6, figs. 1-10; pl. 7, figs. 1-13, Kimmeridgian. Hystrichosphaeridium pattei Valensi, 1943 (p 539, fig. 1; 1953, p. 38, pl. 4, fig. 5) = Laterna pattei (Valensi, 1948) Brideaux & Fisher, 1976 (p. 25) = Pandadinium pattei (Valensi, 1948) (Courtinat, 1989 (p. 189). The noted taxonomic combinations may be accepted with difficulty. A restudy of the type material of H. pattei is accordingly needed. On the morphological criteria - lack of an archeopyle, lack of a cingulum, small dimensions and stratigraphic occurrence, seems more probably an allocation to the genus Chlamydophorella. The specimen from the Upper Jurassic of Germany figured by Klement (1960, pl. 7, figs. 6-8) as H. pattei possess an apical archeopyle, pandasutural bands (fig. 7) and larger dimensions. This specimen may well allocated to the species Lanterna bulgarica if construction of the cingulum conforms with the specific diagnosis.
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